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Lady Roper

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Everything posted by Lady Roper

  1. I do want to draw my own designs and this is great info. I have lots of running through my head just need to learn how to get them on paper. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. Sharpening the pencil to practice, practice, practice. Thank God for erasers.
  2. I'll give it a go again, I think the pic I used had to much contrast. I appreciate the time you have taken to reply to my post. Thank you Sylvia
  3. I did download the progam, managed to get a picture copied into it but wasn't able to figure out the proper tools to use to manipulate it. So in short got frustrated and downloaded an ebook with patterns. If there's a will, there's a way . I would rather draw my own patterns so they are original, hopefully I will figure it out someday.
  4. Check out Bob Parks post on Beveling Edges. Very Informative.
  5. Thank You Tap Tap Tap. Will put my order in and let you know how it turns out.
  6. Thank You Sylvia. I'll give it a go.
  7. Is Paint.net one of the complicated to learn programs?
  8. Would love to hear how you draw/design floral patterns, freehand, computer software??? Anyone out there have an educational dvd or books to recommend for the drawing challenged.
  9. Love looking at other peoples pics, gives me inspiration.

  10. Looking for advice, tips and tricks of the trade. All comments welcome.
  11. From the album: The Beginning

    © © leatherworker.net

  12. First belt....made a few mistakes but learned by them.
  13. From the album: The Beginning

    © © leatherworker.net

  14. Thank You Bryan. I will be purchasing the Sharpie.
  15. I too use the Tandy tracing film. Works great, but was tought to trace my patterns with a pencil which will "rub" off of the film, then I have to redo my pattern. Any suggestions other than a pencil to trace the patterns?
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