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About Leatherman87

  • Birthday 05/03/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Spring hill Florida
  • Interests
    Web Design/Leather work

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holster and belts
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  1. Sold.
  2. I have a 5 gallon bucket full of pre cut key hangers. Leather is english bridle. Asking 100.00 or best offer for all of them if i had to guess i would say about 500 total. What you will be getting. Examples
  3. I made my own tallow/neatsfoot combo and now I'm having problems getting acrlic finish to bond to the leather. Is it the tallows not letting the finish bond? I'm usin Pre dyed w&c skirting. Should I let it dry 100% b4 I try to spray my finish? I trying searching but I'm limited b I'm on a cell. Sorry if this has been covered already.
  4. I've been in contact with Steve this will be my third machine with him just wanna know hat machine this is made after.
  5. Which machine is the cobra 18 made after?
  6. Please email me. Wizzzy@gmail.com looking too buy.
  7. Are you using pro oil dye? Even on edges I've noticed alot of people have alot problems with bleeding edges even after a acrylic sealer.
  8. With both dies?
  9. Price and where can I pick one up??
  10. Leaning towards HO sides anyone know where to get first quality with no minimum
  11. I believe this is a soft leather for like moccasin and such wouldn't work well on a Ccw carry belt. Belt bends vs sides? Spring feild leather offers both. What's the diffence other then one is a bend and other is a side..
  12. Yes i believe its all a sales pitch. But when i say bullhide i mean zackwhites bullhide shoulders. Ive used them and the quality is hit and miss. So now I'm looking for something that has a stiff hand but quality is consistent. I tried W&C Oak and its beautiful leather but the only problem its limp as a soggy noodle. I heard hermann oak has a more firm hand. This will be a liner for my gun belts. top is W&C bridle.
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