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Everything posted by feralking

  1. i know their were loads but i wanted to find the cheapest thanks for the list though! i shall check them out asap
  2. that shows me what i need but not how to put it together, it helps deffinately but i don't know where to put anything xD
  3. wow thanks! some cool stuff on that!
  4. the title says it all! lol i need tutorials on how to make a basic wallet for cards and notes, coins too would be appreciated though not needed. i also want to make a bag since mine is falling apart but i want an over th shoulder one, no idea where to start with that one since so far all i have made is belt bags
  5. soooooo yeah, i want to make a leather wallet but i need poppers/studs and dyes, i know nothing about either so i don't want to get ripped off, i live in england and would prefer it was sent from england so i can avoide big P&P costs and long delivery times
  6. yeah i think thats a saddle stitch correct? i have yet to try that out, thanks for the comment!
  7. i remember once reading a description on how to put poppers on but i can't use that method with studs since they are sharp and could be damaged if hit. anyone know how i can add studs onto leather? __^ _ /_\ _/__\ _|__ | _\__ / _ |__| my stud! or close enough
  8. thats what i'v been trying to do but when i make it, it's easy to pull apart, can't hold much weight so it sucked big time, if there is a better way you know of let me know! i recently learned about both saddle stitch and backstitch but have yet to try them out, i will go down to my local cobbler tomorrow and ask for some spare cut offs he has, i will practice on those so if you know of another way of stitching i would love to try it out
  9. cool! i will check both out and make my verdict, thanks both of you!
  10. well when i first started i had no knollege of stitching or leathercraft, my reenactment group said it's better if i make my bags myself for more originality and to learn an amazing craft, problem is now i had messed up a lot of leather (quite expensive on my salary) so i wonderd if someone could explain or better yet send me a pic of what a good stitch might look like and how to do it i will be very thankfull! i haven't got photos but i can explain the way i did my first bag. i punctured the leather and thread through the hole, through the next peice of leather to join the two and then punctured the other end and went through in reverse, double stitch too.... wow that sounds confusing. .^. .^. .^. _ v_ v_ v like that ---^ (ignore the "_" lines they just keep the bottem row in place) the dots being the holes and the arrows being the thread. imagine that with the leather on it's side so you barely see the leather ----- <-- like that. but it's not very strong!
  11. now to find where the heck i can buy snaps! lol will deffinately try this! (though i have a hand hole punch lol)
  12. well i do love many stamps though i designed my own tribal wolf which i think looks cool, i wanted to make a stamp out of it so i can use it for my new pouch but i have no idea where to start, it'll be quite a big stamp (arround 5" - 5" inches estemated) if anyone can help i will be most appreciated!
  13. wow those look so cool! quick question, what leather is the top left and bottem middle? and if you used a dye what one?
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