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Everything posted by mbrien

  1. mbrien


    Thanks for changing it I will make my images JPG no problem, what size do you recommend for the images? I am glad to see Tess Joined up I have 4 of there knives with the leather sheaths that she has made and they are great, both the knives and the leather.
  2. I would like to see if you have some patterns for a 1911? Early WWI or WWII military type? also maybe some modern ones as well? Attached is a boot that I make for my 12 GA Shootgun. Mark
  3. mbrien


    candyleather, It is a second generation Colt Clone made by Urburti. I have another one just like it they fire great and look great as well. Mark HI all Well I have some time to show you some of my other work. This one is a good one that I am very happy with. It is my first attempt at adding designs to my leather. Let me know what you all think. Thanks Mark I changed the .bmp file to a .jpg file and reduced its size for the convenience of everyone with slower connections. Mark, try saving your pics as jpgs. Bmps are usually used for picture quality printers, not website and email formats. I don't want to discourage you from posting your pics- not at all! but we need to be courteous to the folks who pay by the minute for Internet or who have slow dial up connections. ~~Johanna ps I asked the good folks at Mountain Hollow to check out the board, and Tess joined. The railroad spike knife caught my eye, too, probably from living in Pennsylvania for so long.
  4. mbrien


    Hi Yest the knife is made from a railroad spike, I have two knives made that way and one that is half a horseshoe Check out this link to the maker of both. http://www.mountainhollow.net Thanks Mark (fixed the link~~Johanna)
  5. mbrien


    Thank you for the warm welcome. OK so I am new how do I uplaoad an image here? I see where I can add a URL but where do most of you save your images to? Is there somewhere I can upload my images to? Thanks Mark I reduced the size of your picture so that the folks on slower connections could enjoy it, too. I was going to explain how to upload, but i see you figured it out. It helps the folks on dial up if we can keep pics around 500KB or less, each. ~~Johanna
  6. Hi all, My name is Mark and I live down on Fort Huachuca, AZ. You can look it up but we are a little south west of Tombstone. I have been working leather for about 2 years now and I taught my self how to work leather. I am looking for the opportunity to learn more if I can find some where around here to learn more things. Thanks Mark
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