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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. It looks like how Chinese 'Genuine Leather' (big topic on here) is made. First the filler is cut the actual length o the edges of before the leather flips over the other side. Then the one edge of the python is evened up with it and hangs off longer to wrap around. The back is evened up of the other end, then wrapped around the python. At this point the python is wrapped around the edge onto the back. It looks difficult but it really isn't once you wrap your head around it. Good luck. Cheryl

  2. Thanks Chief, Yes it is for a good cause. I'm going to do some more support bracelets. Unfortunately I'll have to make some painted ribbons for most of them, or carve them or something because I don't have yellow lizard, or purple.....blue. But I can use some 1-2oz for those. Even though I use watered down paint and several coats I'm always afraid the color will scratch off. Painted things feel different to me than dyed. Cheryl

  3. Chief as usual beautiful. I'm working on one right now. This 'young kid' put Italian leather on top of a 5 oz piece of lather, gonna inlay it with python, and then sew the bottom to it all. (I know I'm older than you, just don't do western floral although I like yours) I have a feeling I may have added so many design elements it's going to be a bit over the top :(

  4. You should have done the baking sod bath right after you dipped it while it was still wet. It is still reacting with the leather as we speak. I would let it soak in the bath for a couple of minutes. The metallic odor is common and will fade with time, same as the vinegar odor. The soda will help but just airing it helps the most. Doesn't take long for the odor to leave, maybe a week. Adding neatsfoot and buffing it up will help too. Cheryl

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