Hello to all. I shelved this hobby about 30 years ago and am back at it. Wow, is there the information on hte WEB. I've picked up more tips in one month than I did in the 7 years that I actually worked at it. I have tons of questions so please bear with me. I have been doing some practice carving, dyeing and painting. Some things I like and some things, not so much. I have two quick questions. One: How do I know if my leather is ready to carve and most importantly is still carvable, did't dry out. i have read all I can on casing and am getting the hang of this. Also glueing a project down to cardboard. I've read everthing from rubber cement, duct tape....Other info is to spray the back of the leather if it is getting dry during you carving session. Now, if it's glued down to a peice of cardboard, how do I do that? Take it off. Sorry for the long intro, but inquiring minds need to know. Plus I really am anxious to start producing something that I am proud of. I have a current project which I applied rubber cement to the leather and the cardboard. Worked great until I trierd to remove the cardboard. Oh well another practice peice.