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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. Cool thanks. I am going to do that.
  2. I have the same Tandy edgers you do. I sharpen them and use them very slowly. Then you might be good. Or go to Ron's tools buy a #3 round edge beveler and be happy forever. Expensive, yes, quality oustanding, work, everytime. Finished edge perfect. My buck and a half
  3. So the pigskin is on top of the Veg tan, right? I can't see the pig skin sticking out past the white stich. I knew you were going to say small brush, I just knew it. Or, is the logo sewn to the pig then to the veg tan with the outside white thread and the white thread going in and out and around the logo there for show?
  4. I think the point is that, that is the only way some people reply. I can understand if you want to convey a part of the message to someone several post up or insure that they know you quoted them......Email. However, you can, like has been previously said, edit to use only the needed material. Watch some posts. Somebody will write War and Piece for a reply and the very next person will reply with quoted text and write "I like that" Give me a break. I watch allot what goes on here on my phone. And when folks continue to post useless quotes, all it does is eat up the page.I really see no reason to quote the author of the post unless you need to address a specific point. Notifying them is a mute point. They should be following thier own post, right. If not then why write it. I will quote replies in my posts so that I can continue the conversation with the individual who posted. There are people on here who quote themselves:rolleyes2:
  5. That is an excellant idea. I have some questions, because I am definatley stealing this for a High School auction item. 1.) Looking at the stiching around the logo. I don't quite get it. Looks like you stiched around the logo, but then how is it held on 2.) How did you get "just" the outline of your letters Kentucky Blue? Plase don't tell me a magnifying galss and a very little brush, Please. 3.) Did you make the blue buttom on pant holders? I love it.
  6. Now how cool is that. What a great idea.
  7. Ferg, That is the first thing that came to my mind. Your arbor press. That has got to be sweet. I may just buy one to have it around.
  8. I have a steel leg workbench covered with a 1 1/2" laminate wood top, covered with a 3/4" piece of marble and then my 12" x 12" granite tooling stone. May be some bounce but I don't think much. I'll try the water idea on the stamp. And yes I am realigning for the second hit. Part of my problem may be that I take a lineup strike. You know like hitting a railroad spike with a sledge hammer. You take a short tap so you knbow were it is and then give it. I have never been comfortable just having at it with one strike. To many years in the die shop stamping steel dies. You always take the lineup tap, saves skin.
  9. Lot's of good replys here, from Bruce and build quantities to Sylvia's station setup. I can tell you from my personal experience, manufacturing assembly and now sales it's all the same. Setting up work stations is an absolute must. You waste time in cleaing off a table or an area to do something else. This is known as setup and needs to be removed from your schedule. Bruce has a perfect sense for this. If you get an order for 30. Tell the customer that you will ship 6 a week for 5 consecutive weeks. That way he gets something, you are accoomplishiong a task and everybody is happy. I have been in manufactruing for over 40 years and I can tell you one thing. Making a product is just like making a pizza. Go to your local pizza joint and watch them. Order comes in, order is made, order is baked, order is bagged, order is sold. Next order, one at a time. You can batch, but make them small, unless there is some setup requied as with a slitter, clicker die or sewing machine. Here you want to batch to take advantage of the time spent changing over. Good Luck Jon
  10. Got it dead blow and swing like it comin' from Mississippi. I go past Harbor Freight tomorrow, will pick one up.'" I'm tryin all options. I want a nice, clean, legibal impression. Thanks, Jon
  11. I think that's it. I used to do an incredible amount of hand stamping on steel, so I really understand the concept. The one thing you pointed out makes perfect sense. I am so used to Whack, let's see it, then realign and wack again.........F%$&&. Let me try Wack, tilt, Wack, tilt, Wack, tilt, Wack, let's see what we got. Perfect, Thanks, Jon
  12. I bought a Maker stamp from Grey Ghost. I'm in the learning curve here. Every time I use it, I get a shallow impression. Then when I go to hit again, most time a get the double stamp look. The second one is off of the first so it looks blurred. I'm using cased leather, lining it up and giving it a good wack with a 24oz maul. For the second blow, I line up the impression with the stamp and give it again. Doesn't always work. Sure is disheartening when you finish a project and go to stamp it and then AGGGHHHHHHHHHH. &*$^@*$^@*&%#@@& Not Good. Any and all advice is appreciated.. Thanks, Jon
  13. Got it. Thanks Mike and Chancey. Now off to call the Swamp People and get me some Gator Butt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Er Belly
  14. Mike, I'm having a hard time following you. Let me see if I got it. When I layout my strap pattern, draw in the cutout, and cut it out of the pattern. So I should have, for example, a 36" strap 3" wide with a 20" x 2" window in it. Is this right so far? Then I use this pattern to cut the strap. I also use this window to cut the gator belly. Now shouldn't the gator belly be a bit larger than the strap window to allow for glue and sewing? Thanks, Jon
  15. Were is it now and do you have pictures? How far do you need to move it? Machinery movers would be an answer, but you can rent machine mover dollies from your local rental shop. If I knew more of were it is and were it has to go I would have better suggestions.
  16. Thanks Chancey. Looking for a bit of guidence. So nothing really special about gator. I can treat it like any other leather, cut die sew no problem, unless I use backs. Got it hanks, Jon
  17. Nobody knows..........................................NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, thought you folks were leather workers????
  18. Very nice. I really like the simplicity :You_Rock_Emoticon: How do you get the edge line effect n the belt and keeper? Also nice work on the belt holes, how did you get that? Very Cool Look!!!!
  19. That is very nice. I would love to know how to color and dye like that. It looks so real, with great depth. Congrats, you nailed it.
  20. Yes, Yes, Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss "Add Reply" Stop the quoting, we need some Board Etiquette..... Way to go Great Post.......................
  21. Does this work? http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/dye.html Jon
  22. So you want to sell it on a chair??? How many chairs do you have? Or better yet do you only want one customer? Think big! Small creative display board that will fit on a counter. Leave it and go onto the next acoount.
  23. Go with you gut
  24. I do sales for a living and here's how I would do it. You want to approach the customer with a handout that explains you and your product, short and sweet. Show them some smaples and explain what they are and how they work. This is very important, have pricing available on the spot. Next if they are interested have a readya made display board to put them out immediatley. If you wait for them and your things are on consignment forget it, you lose. Next make sure you have a contract to complete the sale. However you want to do this can be simple." You new guy got $$ of my stuff on this day", signed by both parties and a copy for each. Sell it while your there. If you hear come back later, that is not good. One more thing. Good luck and go get em. Just my $.02, but that's how I do it and it works.Please don't quote this whole item to respond it just makes the threads longer and harder to read. Hit add a reply and reference me. I'll get it. Jon
  25. Check out Bruce Johnson. He's a regular member here and I have bought several blades form him. Great guy, sells excellant tools and they come sharp and ready to use. http://brucejohnsonleather.com/content/
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