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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. Bluesman

    Carlos border

    That is ingenious, thanks. never thought of that. New tool for me. Jon
  2. Bruce, Great examples. I am trying to get the whole project straight in my head before I start even a practice piece. My layout would be on a 2 1/2" strap with 1/4" cut boarders to frame the design and include the stitch line. Basktweave would be the center with the rope boarder. I like your idea on the beveler and understand that. What I'm trying to get my head around is two things. Normally when I run a basket I go all the way to the cut edge, tipping the tool as needed. then I add the border. With this should I mark a bottom line were the rope would be and run the basket up to that line rope and then bevel? Or run the basket just short, rope, bevel and then finish the basket? Also with my outside cut boarder should I bevel the rope there? Won't that destroy the original boarder bevel as I would be beveling the opposite direction. Barry has three stamps now 1,2, and 3. I will ask him when I order. Thanks for the help, Jon
  3. Good job. Can we see some burnished edges?
  4. I will PM when I need help. Think I'll start with the Elmore James box set and then move into some my Muddy 9 disc set. That ought to do it.
  5. I am making a strap for a friend and he has picked out silver conchos with a gold rope border. My plan is to inset the conchos with a 1/8" bead bodrer and then do the balance of the strap with a basket weave. I thought a rope boder on the strap, to end the basket weave would compliment the conchos. Any thoughts, and also any photos of things you have done like this that I could look at? I will be using a #3 BK basket stamp on a 2 1/2" strap. What is the recommended rope size? Thanks, Jon
  6. Very nice. I also like the bottom one. Good job.
  7. Very nice work. welcome to the board. And don't worry about your english, a good deal of us Americans don't know how to speak it
  8. Sorry for your loss Spinner. I have two hounds and have three who live in memory. I can feel your pain. Your Chloe is hanging out my Magic, Coke and Leo. They are having a blast. Jon
  9. Great design and look Chancey. Cigar chompin' Hog, I like it. Say, what kind of pan are you using and also what do you use for padding?
  10. I am going to use this. Thanks for the info Stich and the laser contact. Jon
  11. PM Sent
  12. That has been driving me crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Thanks for the info. Worked perfect
  13. Thanks Jimbob, the will give a good starting point. I looked at Xian leather and that is some very neat work. Right now i am looking for an old seat. When I get one I'll post it to get some pointers That was exactley the type of info I was after. Thanks, Jon
  14. Thanks Ferg
  15. Okay Dammit.............................Give it up What the Hell is it
  16. I have two from Barry King. Now, In all honesty if you have both..............................Verdict
  17. I wonder what the Troop number is for their workers?
  18. The wallet was more like a 30 minute job. And the belts for a $150. Let's see 3/4" dyed, buckle, somewhat finished edges, 20 minutes out the door. Just goes to show you, move to LA, look like a hipster and you should be getting 5 to 6 times what you are now. Oh, well back to the basement.
  19. I got the bike seat bug, and itch. So I have been looking at pans on Fleabay, maybe that's were the itch comes from. So what can you guys, Spinner, Chancey and the rest tell me. I understand cut a pattern, tool it, finish it stuff. But some seats I see are riveted on. Some you guys do are different. I have been looking at wrecked seats that I could disassemble to get a pattern and then redoe. Let me know the pitfalls here. Trying to put projects out in front of me, to keep up the interest. Thanks, Jon
  20. I'm a sucker for good looking tools, and that is beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuutifullllllllllllll
  21. Was this the starter set you just got?
  22. This depends on how much you really like it. If you are just staring out and making sure, get the Tandy starter kit, or the 7 tool starter kit. these will get you some nice results with what you want to do. The hole punch is fine for now, but I would get a nice round knife in place of the box cutter. If you really want to go whole hog, get in touch with Berry King and he'll set you up with a small starter set. As for the round knife, Bruce Johnson is the guy on here to talk with. Good Luck And Thanks for your Service, jon
  23. Found this. Not sure waht to put on that would be useful. But I like hte look.
  24. Thanks, copied everything down. One more question. Are using a lacing chisel, or round holes? And, what weight leather are you using? Thanks, Jon
  25. Dude, that braid is killer. It might be a royal PITA, but you sure do it justice. I gotta learn how to do that. Thanks, Jon
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