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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. I like it, very unnique and a cool idea. Tell me about the leather you used and how you got the patterns in the leafs. Is that tool veg tan and then dyed? Jon
  2. Check out the fonts in Word or Excel. There is one were the holes in "b" and "o" have cnnection lines runiing from the inside diameter to the outside diameter.
  3. Never had the back finished. I just got a hide of skirting split from 10/12 to 8/9. My back was very smooth and had some of the color patterns you have. Mine was not dyed so less noticable. As for the top, the wavy lines you see may be the grain. Is it really fleshy, soft in those areas? Because that would tell me it's belly and not back. Try sending them the pictures and have them call you. They are very good at returning calls. Jon
  4. Chancey, just an FYI. The download number is misleading as it does not represent the number of vultures who actually downloaded and saved the letters. it is the number of people who have viewed it. So, like myself I have viewed them several times and that indexes the number +1 every time. But, I downloaded them once. So, you have lots of lookers and maybe not so many vultures. Jon
  5. Like Dwight said, Tandy or try this place http://www.conchos.com/index.html. Tandy let's you buy one and conchos may have you buy 4 minimum. Depends on the style. They also require you to buy 10 conchos at minimum and Tandy is again 1. Jon
  6. That's unique. Wonder hwo that would look over a floral tooling?
  7. Nice job. I do think you are going to want to shorten that threaded rod, allot. Nice pony.
  8. Wow. I like. Great job. Please post the dye job information.
  9. The real answer here s SFPM. Evrybody gets caught up in RPMs. Regadless of what you are running the RPMs are constant at the shak, the center of the tool to the edge of the tool. What changes are the Surface Feet Per Minute. So, a burnisher should be looked this way. If I have 3/8" diameter burnisher and run it on my drill press and get a great finish at 1800 RPM, then I want to run it in my Dremael. At what speed do I run it? Answer? 1800 RPM. If the diameter doesnt change, neiither does the RPM.
  10. I use everclear to make peppermint schnapps. Now another use. Cheers
  11. So, if I clean my leather with this stuff and have glass of ice near by I can drink it too? Who knew, who knew. Thanks for the tip
  12. LMAO :evillaugh:
  13. Check ebay, Craigslist and put up reward posters in town and the surrounding area. Leather working is a small community, so only folks like us want those tools. And when you catch them, castrate them with your favorite, but dull head knife. Pun intended
  14. Wow so many tips, this may become a sticky. Thanks Dwight.
  15. The thread that just keeps on giving. Thanks Pete.
  16. wow glad I asked. I've leaned a ton from this thread.
  17. Thanks. I will have to look into that. Would be the ticket on large pieces for sure. Thanks Jon
  18. Yup that's how it looks. I wipe in on like snot and then smear it to get an even coat. I should wait longer. I have been waiting until tacky. Then I use a rolling pin. Thanks for the info spinner. Jon
  19. I saw a guy using that on a You Tube Video and went, that's neat. Now you show were to get it..................................COOL. thanks, i need to put in an order today anyway and that is on the list. Along with extra brush tips. As for light coat, you can't explain it and I can't imagine it, oh well, I'll keep playing around. Thanks, Jon
  20. I have been using contact cement on my projects and really want a better way to do this. issues i have are this. 1.) Pull the brush from the quart jar and have to wait for the glue to run down the stem. Otherwise it drips. There is got to be a better way. 2.) Constantly cleaing off the male cap threads. if I don't the next time I need a monkey wrench to open it. Any suggestions. 3.) What is a light coat? I apply it on the flesh side. When I see a color change I got it. Right? So far I haven's had anything come apart, but just looking for a cleaner more efficient way to use this. Thanks, Jon
  21. That looks very nice. I like the dye job. The dark background is cool. Form what I can see from your picture, the tooling looks good, especially the pear shader. Can't tell much on the beveling, but the swivel knife cuts look a bit jerky in spots and others they flow. Keep at it. Wear that belt and be proud, because you made it. IMHO opinon the tools to upgrade first are swivel knife, bevelers and geometrics. Take a look at Barry King. His bevelers and swivel knives are top notch. Jon
  22. Congats. I so much want a Cowboy. It's on the list and I will be going to see Bob. Let us know how it works out. Jon
  23. W&C oak skirting, split form 10/12 to 8/9
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