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    saddle making,horse gear.

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    advanced techniques in saddle construction and tooling,stitchers
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  1. They returned my call this afternoon (Friday) from my voicemail on Wednesday . So they are still in operation . Thanks.
  2. Has anyone talked to Walsall Hardware lately ? I can not reach them by Phone . Thanks Clyde.
  3. Hey Calan, Looks really good . I like the way you did the bottom of the quiver . Also the gusset and deer horn on the pouch looks good . Clyde
  4. Hey Randy, I am sorry I missed you .How did you like the show . There were some really Great saddles this year , a much better turn out than last year. My saddle didn't do as well this year but had some good conversations and spent way too much at Bob Douglas' booth .It was good to see him there . Maybe next year. Clyde
  5. Thanks, Randy and Billy!
  6. Thank you for all the responses. Bikermutt07, Yes, the saddle strings are used for tying slickers, lead ropes, cow whips... etc. Josh and Ron, I get my buffed HO from Panhandle Leather or Montana Leather. Both usually have it in stock. The way I get it slick like that is that I apply Bee Natural #1 saddle oil and Ray Holes saddle butter. Thanks, Clyde
  7. Saddle just delivered. It is built on a Rod Nikkel tree. 16 1/4" seat, 9 5/8 thigh lengh, 12 x 4 x 1 1/4 cantle, 13 wide fork with 4" stock thickness, 3 x 2 1/2 horn. 13/15 Herman oak skirting, buffed. I really enjoy this site and check in often but haven't posted any pictures in a while and figured it was time to contribute something. Clyde.
  8. Congratulations , You have accomplished something that the majority of the leatherworking world will not even attempt. You did good. Now keep learning and DOING. Clyde
  9. Hey Julia, I get my stainless steel nails from Jamestown Distributors Good prices , fast service. They carry ring shank, smooth shank and stainless acorn nuts for stirrup bolts. I need to find a new source for their (Sheridan Leather) elk hide horn wrap. Clyde.
  10. For your consideration: Here is how I like my flat plate to look. Good luck, Clyde.
  11. Very nice job Rod. Don't wait ten years to buld you next one.
  12. That is a good looking rig.Keep it up. Clyde.
  13. Thanks Josh, now if I could figure out how to get the fork cover over the horn without cutting it that would be great. The customer was pleased, he specifically wanted the cantle laid back and Rod did it just right. Rod and Denise Thank you for help. I started with a buffed hide then a coat of Bee Natural saddle oil, let dry.Then apply Ray Holes saddle butter liberally and use a seat stick and deer horn to slick it down.
  14. This is a saddle that I just completed and delivered today. 15 1/2" seat, 12" x 3 1/2" cantle set at 32 1/2 degrees. Horn is 3 1/4" H x 2 1/2" W. The leather is 13-15 from ALD. Tree was built by Rod Nikkel. Excellent tree to work with. Thanks for looking. Clyde.
  15. Bar grounders received yesterday.Very nice tools. Thanks,Clyde.
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