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About kylewade

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 08/31/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fort Worth, Tx
  • Interests
    Working, Family, Leather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Could anyone give a few pointers on ranger belts. As in how to get the measurement right and a name centered. went for one and messed it up pretty bad
  2. Whens the Iphone app coming out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chancey77


      Also if you scroll to the bottom of the page on your phone in the lower left hand corner there is a button that says use mobile version..click that:)

    3. chancey77


      But I have also been wanting a App Tab on my phone screen for LW as well:)

    4. capsterdog


      where is the win 8 phone app

  3. Could anyone give a few pointers on ranger belts. As in how to get the measurement right and a name centered. went for one and messed it up pretty bad. Ha

  4. What do you use to cut your leather?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. prc77ro


      a utility knife

    3. LNLeather


      Clicker (Die Press) and cutting dies - for consistent and fast cutting :)

    4. ReneeCanady


      Carpet knife from Home Depot. I have tried many ways and this lets me have the most control of the blade (small hands)

  5. Is Springfield Leather a good company to purchase tools and leather?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Double U Leather

      Double U Leather

      Kyle...yes on both counts. Osborne makes some very nice tools, and you won't find any better products (not to mention customer service) than SLC.

    3. LNLeather


      Ditto - Springfield Leather has Super Customer Service! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to talk with them... They are Very Friendly and Helpful.

    4. kylewade


      Thanks, I've been buying my stuff from tandy and I don't care much for the service and the quality.

  6. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few pointers about backgrounding with a BW10 backgrounder. I've been doing it, but it doesn't come out as well as I would like. Any videos or tips would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Is the H.O the best quality leather? Tandy says the premium is their best.
  8. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how many "roughly" 1 1/2" Belts Tandys Premium Double Shoulder will make. http://www.tandyleat...ts/9052-01.aspx Thanks! -Kyle
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