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Everything posted by Langston

  1. Heres my two cents.. Tooling and holsters go hand in hand, if the design and function of the holster are equal. knowing where to put the tooling so it doesn't get twisted as you mold the holster, is tuff. here are a couple of mine that I fought with tooling.. I also found out if you tool the leather before you cut it to size it wont deform..
  2. Thanks everybody, I put a couple on the gun forums, and talk about a bunch of snobs "I wouldn't buy one of those things" ahhh good... any ways I like em.. heres my latest
  3. dont tempt me like that, I got some projects coming up..
  4. I like the idea of a meet and greet.. and I wish they were machine stitched, save me a ton of time, of course I'm going to have to sell a lot more holsters to get a machine.
  5. Well started working with leather back in November of last year, so only about 5 months or so.. luckly I've been able to sell a few pieces to support the habit
  6. Thankyou for the support. Its been fun to figure out how to work the leather, heres a few more pieces
  7. So I bought a new pistol last year around thanksgiving and they hadn't come out with any holsters for it yet so I looked up how to make a holster on youtube and it lead me to a time consuming hobby. here is some of my work.. any advice is welcome. I've really enjoyed learning how to do the tooling
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