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Posts posted by ReneeCanady

  1. Thank you both! I think I am going to leave it the color is is, it's growing on me. As for the what I call the extra leather, it might have bunched up top better, but I was clamping it in place to test and found NO WAY that it would have worked for me. When all else fails....rig it lol. Your purse is VERY cute, I love it! I guess I am becoming more like the males in my family because when the "fix" things they too usually have extra parts haha.

  2. So I printed this pattern from TLL and it seems the light weight leather pattern was very off in it's sizing. I made it work, but I am betting I had to cut off atleast 2 inches of the thin leather to do so. If I didn't cut that off it just seemed like it would have been very bunched up on the bottom. I would have hated to have done all that work and then messed it up lol. I still need decide if I want a dye on it or not. The color shown is just oiled, and black background dye. However, this is my first time ever doublt loop stitching. The stitches were cake, but ending it was a bit of a pain for me.

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  3. I got the airbrush you linked to me. The one that is usually on sale for like $79. I am going to do the final coat of the SS when it is finished with the airbrush. As for the paint lines, I tried a ruler and heavier paper to make the line, but the marker just was kind of leaky lol. It worked eventually. I am just about done. Well, I would have been done if I weren't such a moron sometimes lol. I made the bracers in like 2 days. I knew it was going to well to be correct. I completely forgot to add any blue to them. Good thing is now I have the pattern drawn up already so I can make them again in like 2 days if I pay attention. The biggest pain is waiting for someone to be home to help me lace it up for sizing. Have you ever had all that kind of crap on and tried to bend and see your own ribs LOL not so easy. Thanks again Chris

  4. Thanks Kevin! It was a lot of work mainly because I was working from a pic and not a pattern. I had to try to make my own pattern for this by eyeing the partial pic I had lol. I also read on here a few days ago that a guy on here uses sharpie markers for trim work like my thin blue line. I used a sharpie oil paint marker that wasn't so perfect line friendly lol. I had to go back with more black dye and kind of straighten up the lines a bit. You live and learn right? Next time, if I do this pattern or something similar again I will already have the pattern and will be using a reg sharpie for sure.

  5. post-30767-038680400 1337542278_thumb.jppost-30767-038680400 1337542278_thumb.jpThis is my armor I have been working on when I get the chance that is lol. I still have MUCH to do. I am working on the shoulder peices, bracers, buffing, touch up paint spots, and still thinking about spraying on some super sheen since I just got my airbrush in the mail today :) (Thanks to Spinners awesome help). I have used the aussie conditioner already, but I don't think using a touch of the super sheen on top would hurt right? I mean I doubt it will stick like it should, but better than just one thing protecting it or no?

  6. Interesting Mike, thank you also. Geez for the price of a few ounces of super sheen you could buy almost a gallon of mop n glo! Ok, so maybe not THAT much, but lots more for your money :) I will have to try that as well. I also ordered Aussie conditioner cream, should be here Monday. I'm sure I'll be trying that also. I have only been doing things with leather since December, and started right away with the eco flo because I was told that all the "good old" oil/spirit based dyes were going to become harder and harder to find. I don't know if that is the truth or not. I was soooo close to ordering the oil based for this project too and didn't at the last minute.

  7. My savior :You_Rock_Emoticon: No don't laugh, but I just read about the deglazers and such today lol. So you think the oil and wax is better than the super sheen and stuff for this? If so, I have already used the oil itself prior to dying. I need it to be a little softer than what it was so I did a coat of neatsfoot oil and let it sink in/dry for about 1 1/2 days before touching it again. So should I just use the wax for a finish then or do the oil/wax?

  8. I am using eco flo all in one stain at the moment and noticed there is ALWAYS atleast one little spot on my projects that don't seem to absorb the dye correctly. It is dyed but you can still pretty much see the leather under it if you look closely. I just know once I apply the finish (probably resolene or super sheen because that's what I have) it will most likely lift some of the dye off that area and make it even worse. I just now applied a second coat of dye to see if it would cover and no luck. I mean it's not THAT obvious, but to me it is lol. With this happening would a 50/50 wax/neatsfoot oil be a better finish? I don't want to make it hard though. The project is about the softness I want it to be now and I still have to dye the back and do the finish. Hope that doesn't stiffen it toooo much.

  9. Actually, I started making the entire breast plate before I found this exact one. It was made by the same person and is the same with the exception of the breast cups. The one I started copying has round breast cups with stitching making it round. Basically I cut a circle close to what I thought was my size, cut a triangle out so it looked like pacmac lol, which in turn let me make it a round cup with the "cup" look. However, I do like this one MUCH better. Since it's my first trial I will continue with what I have for the cups. If it doesn't work out, I will try this. Truely this cup looks a bit more ideal to make since you have a few pieces to work with and make work. I wish I had a manniquin to mold from. I did try something I found on youtube that was wearing a tank top, and wrapping yourself in duct tape (kinda what they do at ren faires with the form fitting boots) and cutting it off by the back. It made a decent but bumpy form except it was not firm at all really. I do like your thought about the paper mache/plaster of paris stuff! I just might try that. I really think that molded breasts would make it look so much nicer. As for the airbrush, I had no idea you could get them for $20 not to mention I had no idea you could get them for $100 with the tank! That is great news. Thanks for all your help Spinner!

  10. My thoughts exactly Spinner. As for the two rag method, that was actually one way I did try and it looks nice, but it wasn't near the same as the image I posted. However, the two rag results were pretty neat in an entire different way. I was wondering if that effect was even able to be done with dye, and I see that it is :) Eitherway, I am going to pass on it for now I suppose, but will be getting an airbrush in my future lol! I am attempting to make that set although I am a newb it's coming along ok so far. I am worried about the breast part the most. I think I have managed to copy everything else pretty closely. The good news about the breasts is I kept the patter I made so I can just make it smaller, more round, more pointy etc.. if need be.

  11. Does anyone know how to get the airburshed look using leather dyes? I came across a nice project today, but it looked like they used an airbrush. When I read the item description it said it had been hand dyed. It was almsot all baby blue but in the center of each part was solid white that sprinkled out into the blue, like an airbrush sprinkle. I am guessing it was done with acrylic paint dyes, but I have tried a few ways on scrap leather and it's just not right.

  12. Hello everyone,

    I figured it was time to stop stalking the site and say hello. My name is Renee and I am from Delaware. I just started leather crafting this past December. I do many crafts and thought this would be very interesting since I love to do just about any form of art out there. I have uploaded a few photos of items I have made sice December and all are my first trials. I have come across the dye fight, the leather weight fight, and most of all the finish fight :) I just wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone. Great workmanship on this site!!post-30767-061522000 1335026610_thumb.jppost-30767-079587900 1335026611_thumb.jppost-30767-023200800 1335026612_thumb.jppost-30767-072589400 1335026612_thumb.jppost-30767-017565100 1335026613_thumb.jp

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