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Everything posted by Rodw

  1. Oh! Gotcha! I believe it's called a spine. Yes, it too is beautiful.
  2. Oddly enough, in reading Pete's post, now I have more leather questions because he brought up things that never would have occurred to me since I've never worked with leather before. Like can you punch dry leather? Um, why would you wet leather to punch it? Should I do that? That would never occur to me. Does that mean you have to wet it before you stamp it or cut it with a swivel knife, too? EEEEEEPPPP!!! Unfortunately, my nearest Tandy Leather Factory is about 50 miles away so popping over for a class is not doable since I don't drive. I'd better read more before I eff up this piece of leather. *sigh* And I agree about the expensive vs. cheap thing. Everyone's circumstance is different.
  3. Welcome from Chicago.
  4. Welcome from Chicago.
  5. Actually, Jimbob, that's the front of the book. Arabic is read from right to left and what we would call back to front. But I agree, it is wonderful carving. Nice job! Edited to ask: Where did you get the beautiful filigree stamps? Or were they custom made for you?
  6. If I were from Boston, I'd say "Wicked Awesome". However, I'm not. So, "It looks great!"
  7. Welcome to the community!
  8. Anyone want to chat?
  9. Trying to collect a list of tools for a project.

  10. That's a hard question to answer. It needs to be at a height where you are comfortable and can see. My computer desk is higher than my jewelers bench. Depends on your chair, how long your torso is if you work sitting, or how long your legs are if you work standing. Just my $0.02.
  11. Thank you so much for the help.
  12. That would be it. I don't think they make it anymore. :-(
  13. Thanks but that actually doesn't have any of the pieces. Those are all knives.
  14. FWIW I got it at I Sachs Sons in Chicago which is a shoe supply place.
  15. Greetings. I am 42 year old jewelry artist in Chicago. I have loved the smell of leather my whole life but always thought I was never good enough to do anything with it. I never thought I'd be making jewelry either. And now people are asking for leather jewelry, which I know will lead down the path of gear, so I thought I'd better start learning quickly. I noticed this time when I logged in there are a lot more forums showing up than the handful that were here earlier. Must be something weird with my computer. There were only 6 or 7 before. Now there are a lot! I have a LOT of reading to do! LOL Don't mind me. I'm just gonna put a chair in this corner and snoop for a while. I'll do my best to use the search function before I ask a question.
  16. Here is a photo. I should have included it earlier. Does this help?
  17. In the 1970's my mother had a tool kit made by X-Acto with interchangeable heads including a stylus, small and large ball, a foot, and a few other pieces that she can't remember. She recalls 6 or 8 heads and the handle in the kit. Does anyone know what this might be called? I have hunted the Interwebs high and low, but the Googoracle and eBay fail me. She wants another one and I'm trying to find one for her by the Winterfest Holidays. Thanks! Rod W Chicago, IL
  18. I went with a friend of mine to a place he calls "Bootblack Heaven" this weekend and stumbled across some largish (to me) pieces of leather. Nothing was marked, priced, or labeled in anyway. Just leather strewn about the place. I found a piece I thought might be useful. I listened a little to the guys in the shop talking and they didn't seem very friendly. Being the stupid shopper I am, I neglected to ask any questions other than how much for this piece. I assume I have a piece of cow, perhaps a shoulder (according to my mother, who has done some leatherwork in the 1970's). However, I have no idea how it was tanned; and, as I understand it, leather can be tanned using a vegetable process or a chromium process(?). Is there anyway to tell how something was tanned by look and feel, or some chemical test on a corner of the piece of hide? I know, I know, I know. I should have asked questions before buying. In my defense, it was a very overwhelming and intimidating experience and the staff were not very friendly. And sadly, there are not a lot of options in one of the largest cities in the US for purchasing leather and/or tools. Thanks in advance for the help. Cheers! Rod W Chicago, IL Edited to add: I did look through the forums for a while to try to find my answer, so if this is a repeat question and I missed it, kindly post the link. I tried the search function, too, I promise.
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