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  1. This looks like the deluxe package. Do you have the LED light? What are you asking? Where is it located? Is it local pickup or will you ship?
  2. fredk, thanks for the close up pictures. I am going to give making one a try.
  3. I found my answer. Thanks everyone. ==> "Easy Bevel Blade" Craftool Co. Fort worth Texas USA #8124
  4. Can anyone tell me who the original manufacturer of the plastic push beveller that fits in your swivel knife was? Was there a part number? A similar reproduction is listed as the CraftMaster Push Beveller on Springfield Leather's site. https://www.springfieldleather.com/Craftmaster-Push-Beveller
  5. I will take the two grounders.
  6. What are you asking?
  7. Weaver's new policy is really unfortunate. I do not see this as a wholesale/retail issue, but rather an exclusivity issue. They seem to be saying, "You must buy primarily from us". I was using them mostly for chemicals and some tools. I will probably be a few hundred shy of their new minimum. I am fortunate to live just a few minutes from Garlin Neumann Leather. They let me go through their wearhouse and hand pick whatever I need, so I buy 90% of my leather there. I am not paying retail at Weaver, so I guess I will be going elsewhere. That is really too bad, because they have a lot of stuff. Now I won't be throwing in a few of this and a few of that to try things out.
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