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Status Replies posted by shtoink

  1. Got to love it when you spill black dye all over the table.

  2. Happy Birthday Double C! (You didn't think I was going to let it slide by, did ya??)

    1. shtoink


      That's be three of us, then...

      Happy Birfday C!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Playing catchup after a week away from the computer...this could take a while

  4. Playing catchup after a week away from the computer...this could take a while

    1. shtoink


      Down at the bottom is a small link that say "Mark Community Read"...

      Problem Solved!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. It is great that there are so many groups on facebook and divisions of who is where but I urge you all to not forget your roots!!!!! You need to also post here not just on teh evil empires site! PLEASE...seems like it has slowed down a bit here...Post work and talk here as well:) That is my rant for the day carry on pounding!

    1. shtoink


      The chat room has been barely clinging to life with the assistance of life-support. Nearly all the previous regulars have been absent for a while.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Some stamping tools are coming my way via e-bay Wahoo

  7. Think I need to break down and buy a maul or mallet. I currently use a double head( 1 poly, 1 rubber) 12oz mallet with 4 3/8"X 2" long bolts taped to the head. Tape keeps breaking and the bolts fly everywhere!

    1. shtoink


      You clearly aren't using enough duct tape...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Busy, busy, busy. Will find time for the challenge asap.

    1. shtoink


      Does stress free involve hammers and smashing things? I'm good at that...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Does anyone use Cedar Oil here? It is pretty expensive at 36€ a quart so I am looking for some examples that people have used it on raw veg tan...I can't seem to find any examples.

    1. shtoink


      36€ is about $50 US, and still cheaper than most places I could even find the stuff available online. The average I found was between $70-$80 a quart.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. Slept 10hrs last night, and had a 3hr nap.I think I was tired....hahah

  11. Outta the blue, my neighbor just called and says that she and "several" other riders want saddle scabbards....so apparently, I'm now in the Western gear business.

    1. shtoink


      I can certainly thing of worse things than more business...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Please join me in wishing Jax a happy birthday!

    1. shtoink


      Who's Jax?

      Just kidding...

      Happy Birthday, even if it's late.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Don't even ride an ironhead.. wth why'd I choose those name... whiskey makes me thinkthings loll

  14. Don't even ride an ironhead.. wth why'd I choose those name... whiskey makes me thinkthings loll

    1. shtoink


      As long as is isn't operating power tools, vehicles, or tattoos, you can generally recover from it without too much grief.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. OK, just how old does something have to be - to be called Vintage?

    1. shtoink


      The vintage term is very abused as of late. I've seen new items still available in store labeled as "vintage." I was under the impressing it followed the same lines as cars, like what BIGGUNDOCTOR said, take it with a grain of salt, I guess.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Thanks everyone for all your patience during the upgrade. Keep the feedback coming. We want the board to work for you, your way. Let us know what we can do to improve your experience. And check out the new chat room... hope you like it!

  17. There was a bit of confusion at the store this morning. When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "strip down, facing me." Making a mental note to complain to my congressman about Homeland Security running amuck, I did just as she instructed! When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card. I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future. They need to make their instructions to us seniors a little clearer!!!!!

    1. shtoink


      The question is, why did she wait patiently for you to finish disrobing *before* the hysterical shrieking started?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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