My husband and I found these tools on Craigslist. After a long negotiation, we got an amazing deal on them. The seller represented them as 1930's tools, which the vast majority are not. Regardless, there are some old Craftools and Cal-Carved, and some tools marked HD.
Here are a few pics.. please forgive my lack of photography skills.
The leather book was published in 1945, and is pretty cool.
Here is a swivel knife with this brand marking. There are a total of five tools with this mark, but some don't have the triangle border. Any ideas?
The top are Craftool. They are all pre- 1969, but some are marked with only numbers. On the left are the Cal-carved tools. The two lacing tools are HD emblem again, will show a better pic in a moment. The three tools on the bottom have no maker marks.
Close up of the HD tools.
And tips overall.
My husband and I are just starting to put together a small leather shop. This helps us along quite a bit.