... I need to take some pictures but I put an add up on craigslist that I was looking for tools if anyone had some around they'd inherited or some such and a woman who'd cleaned out a storage unit contacted me. She sold me 3 apple boxes full of various leather working equipment for 150 bucks. I've done a rough inventory of it just to see what all I got. So far the gem is 100 or so craftool branded stamps. I'm not sure the age on them, but based on other things in the boxes, I'd guess 70s. There's a dozen or two old tandy kits, some half done, some untouched. Cutting mats, 2 or 3 swivel knives, a couple rawhide mallets, and who knows what else. I've only really scratch the surface... There's a lot of garbage, but there's some gold burried in there too.