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    Shooting/Fishing/Home Gunsmithing.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None at the moment, complete Noob.
  • Interested in learning about
    All Leather Work

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  1. Hi, Thanks for the reply. I've tried tightening the top thread, from slack, to pretty tight, & it makes no difference. In fact when tight it breaks the thread. Would using thinner thread be an answer.? If so, what would you recommend.? Cheers, SS.
  2. Hi, I'm new to sewing, & have just come across a Singer 196K5 off ebay. The problem I'm having is with the thread, I've attached a couple of photos. Basically while sewing, I get small loops on the the bottom, & the Rotary Hook seems to be picking the thread up & causing the material to jam. I've tried altering thread tention, but still get small loops on the bottom, along with the Rotary Hook problem. Can someone advise please.? Cheers, SS
  3. sign me up please! SS
  4. ss03947

    Web Link

    Hi, I'm from the UK & pretty new to Leather, & need a Sewing Machine to suit my needs. Reading different threads on this Forum recommending different machines, I've scrolled the Net & keep coming across different makes & models (mainly models) to which I cannot find out if they are suitable for the purpose. Is there a Website with all the Specs on Sewing Machines & there suitability.? Thanks, SS.
  5. Hi Trox. Thanks for the reply.. That's one of the reasons I asked, I to couldn't find any info on this machine, + it's on the bay ended today. I didn't want to make a commitment & be stuck with something that was of no use for the purpose. Appreciate the links, & take what you've said on-board, Cheers, SS.
  6. Hi, first post, I've been reading through this forum for a while now, basically at the leather work, since I fancy making leather sheafs for knifes etc. So, looking up the forum at the sewing machines, I've come across a Adler 199-21. Question, since I'm a complete noob at this, would this machine be suitable for me, & this task.? If not, why not, also any other advice would be greatly appreciated, ie; which machine for the task. Cheers, SS.
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