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About zorrow

  • Birthday 07/06/1951

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Leather working of all types

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    messenger bags
  • Interested in learning about
    honing my skills

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Member (2/4)

  1. zorrow

    Pfaff 145

    Machine is SOLD
  2. zorrow

    Pfaff 145

    Anyone interested? Reasonable offers?
  3. zorrow

    Pfaff 145

    FOR SALE: Pfaff 145 industrial walking foot sewing machine. Has electronic speed control motor, speed reducer pulley, casters, flip down adjustable edge guide, 2 bright LED lights, thread stand, bobbin winder, knee lift, extra presser foot sets, extra bobbins. This machine is super smooth and quiet to use, Very controllable. asking $1600.00 Please respond to res04iay@frontier.com
  4. SOLD
  5. sold pending payment
  6. Anyone interested?
  7. FOR SALE: COBRA CLASS 4-P Premium Package Less than 9 hrs of use. Works perfectly. Premium assesories included. Very smooth machine to use. Paid $2695.00 + $200.00 shipping Asking $2500.00 Located near Seattle (30 minutes north of) Contact Steve res04iay@frontier.com Please use that email to get info
  8. I made the holder to hold the bag open to photo the insides. I will crop out the outside. Here are outside shots
  9. I was getting ready for a photo shoot of a new bag and my little house princess declared squatters rights. LOL BOMB!!!
  10. I have been using water soluble contact for everything leather. I apply it with disposable acid brushes. What is most important to me is no toxic fumes, can be used indoors around family and no one keels over from bad stink, Brushes wash out with water.
  11. yes it is
  12. Looking good! Great choice of materials.
  13. Just finished this briefcase. Simi rigid design. Outside is 17" wide 12"tall 4" deep. Fully lined with smooth pig skin. Removable divider inside. Will accomadate laptop and file folders.------- Now you ask "what is cow-a-gator"? Here is the story as I got it first hand. There was this loansome ole cow out in the back pasture one night. It was a Friday night I believe. About 1;30 am this alien mother ship flew over. This group of aliens had just got paid and they wanted shoreleave so there commander said OK and beamed them down to that pasture. Well they all got totally wasted eating all the farmers tomatoes. They are all staggering around falling down and stuff. One of them spots this old cow and tells his buddies "wow look at that! these earthlins are totally hot!" Now what happened next I will leave to your imagination but lets just say that the boys all promised to write often and the cow said she hasn't had that much fun since she was a young calf. about then the alien commander beamed them all back up to the mother ship. everyone of them receive a sturn reprimand and placed on ships restriction. They all agreed next time they want got get a few tattoos, I do believe they were doing a few crop circles just for fun before they warped out of our system. Now about 5 months later out popped this little hairless calf totally hairless and with this really nice auburn brown gator texture. And I got the hide to prove the whole story is the truth..... wink
  14. A question for the guru's. What type of thread is recommended for sewing leather? nylon or polyester bonded? Also could someone please recommend a good supplier of Threads? I typically use 92 and 138 Thanks for the replys
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