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    Swivel knife, finishes, designs

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather tally book covers
  • Interested in learning about
    Swivel knife, finishes, patterns

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  1. I don't know if this is an original idea but I haven't seen it anywhere yet so ...here ya go!!! I work with paracord quite a bit and had some laying around to use. Paracord takes stropping compound like a champ!!! 275 cord (the smaller cord) works great for my #0 edger while the 550 cord works great for my #2 edger. When your done drop them like they hot!!! Like all strops, pull tight strop light. the 550 has some give in it so it will conform to the shape of edgers smaller than #2. There many different diameter paracords, the choice is yours!!!!! Update I notices weaver came out with a video in September of this year with a similar idea....I have been using this method for about 2 years...just sayin
  2. Silverd, you mentioned foam types, say I wanted to make a rifle sling or a camera strap, which foam have you used and recommend? Would you just use the foam sewn onto the leather or sandwich between leather (internal padding) I have closed cell neoprene I tried using for leather coozies (that stuff grips!). Which has to best odor elimination?
  3. Thank you both for the info!!! yea he does not have the ones im looking for but those and others you can't even get back issues for LC&SJ site itself!!! hoping some one has the books and can take a picture of the articles
  4. Im looking for 1992 Leathercraft and saddlers journal Issue 1 & 3 Articles by Karen Bullock On bookbinding, willing to trade Images of articles!!!
  5. I have also been thinking about this subject!!! Smiths leather balm uses almond oil in there balm, I have been reading that almond oil will also go rancid. I wonder if they put a preservative (which would not be all natural like the advertisement claims) in it and if not did they consider that it would go rancid over time. I have also looked at castor oil, I don't know much about it yet but researching!! Mink oil, I recently bought a gallon of Think Mink pure mink oil for the mix, smells musky, not too pleasant which is leading me down the essential oil fragrance rabbit hole to cover up the smell.
  6. the russain journal in english or russian? never mind just read your link
  7. Do you mean somthing like Dawn soap?
  8. I work in the oil field and have a leather tally book that needs a good conditioning! What is the best way to clean leather of dirt, grim, petrochemical type greases and the like? Natural and synthetic cleaners if you have a recipe
  9. I’m am subscribed to leather crafters & saddlers journal and just recently found the rawhide gazette. Are there any other sites or journals likes them? Rawhide gazette give a lot of there journals with no subscription unless you want “members only “ articles. I’m leaning toward finding somthing similar to the gazette .
  10. any luck on getting the issues? im look for them as well
  11. I guess you can use a dauber and then airbrush to make things look even
  12. Everyone thank you for your responses!!! I really appreciate it!!! I have some thinking and probing to do...
  13. he paid for the first book and now i have to make him the second one, which i haven't started yet
  14. it will increase business, do to the social media reach he has. what I meant about me making money without him is that my bread and butter is custom work and not retail, but if I pop out a small batches of books at a time granted it will make more money but I would be satisfied without retail as well...its the name recognition that interests me. I could do retail by myself and sell my books fairly easily, but with his reach I would be able to sell them and build up an significant demand . i just fell like he thinks he has me where he wanted me "needing him" and just pushed me to the side for other stuff.
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