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    Western South Dakota
  • Interests
    Teaching my kids/scouts that hard work and attention to detail create items of value.

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    Best quality leather work to build fitted cases for my day job.

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  1. Regardless of your state laws, federal law prohibits receiving a firearm across state lines assuming you're not a licensed firearms dealer/manufacturer. Licensed firearms dealers can receive shipped firearms from clients anywhere in the US and can return directly to them after work is done without the owner having to ship through a dealer in their state. Don't ever try to mail a pistol.
  2. Great forum here! I bought a cylinder machine/Consew 287R (head only) and now need to screw it to a table. I've got some Adjustable K-Legs coming to hold the table top. Going to laminate some 3/4" Birch plywood together today cut to 48"X20". I'm looking for info on where on the table to start drilling holes & cutting slots. I'm not sure how far back the thread stand needs to be, etc.. I'll probably not cut the clearance under the arm now but may need it in the future. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Photos with a tape measure on a similar setup would be great. Forgot to add, the motor is a new servo design. Thanks for any help. James
  3. Custom Gunmaker. Mostly high grade bolt action rifles.
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