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    Grand Junction, CO
  • Interests
    Belts, bags, saddles, and chaps

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    still figuring that out
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    Leather carving
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  1. Those that make their own stamps I am trying to make a stamp the the blades that came with my jewelers saw suck. What size blades to use on stainless ? It’s 304
  2. So which is cheaper up front and down the road shop press set up or vac press. Currently I am using a vac press from roar rocket that you hand pump all the air out. Works ok I would just like more pressure on the bg’s I mold. The other issue is the bags are pretty expensive. They have to custom make bags for me for holsters since their bags are pretty big for holsters. 4 bags are like $400 I think.
  3. We don't have a lot of shops here either. The one I went to was wanting like $200. That's why I posted the update last night.
  4. I know it's been a while but has anyone found a source to get one of the metal burnishers made like JLS Leather drew up? Still looking to get something going.
  5. Hey Dwight thanks for your response. that makes a lot of sense. The clips from JRM are a different they don't have the raised area like in your pic. It has a spur on the inside.
  6. I just got some holster clips from JRM Products from NJ. For IWB holsters what is the best way to attach these? I want something strong that will last. The ones I got have a little spur inside to help keep the holster in place when you draw the weapon. I am just not sure of the best way to attach these things. Thanks Charles
  7. Did anyone ever get anything figured out for a alum burnisher?
  8. Twin Oaks - The issue I have is it marks the leather horizontal with the stitch line. I called the designer and he said all pressure foot machines leave indentions in the leather that it was just the nature of the beast and I should take a bone folder or cobblers mallet to even them out which seams really odd but then it could be I'm just too new. After all this is my first stitcher….lol
  9. I really like it so far. I just can't get the foot to stop leaving an impression in the leather when I stitch up holsters. That's why I was curious if any other Cub owners were here. The manual lacks a bit so I figured it was worth a shot to get tips and tricks from real world users
  10. Just curious if anyone has one of the Windham Cub sewing machines? I just got mine today and would love to talk to someone who has one.
  11. A friend of mine has asked me to make a basic shoulder rig for him for his ccw. His gun is a xds and I have all the holster parts done and ready to go. it's the strapping I am confused on how to do. He wants basically 2 circles that go around his shoulders and cross in the back. He doesn't want a strap that goes around high stomach. I have already gotten a 3x3" rounded square for the straps to feed into that goes between the shoulder blades. I am just stuck on how to do the straps. Across the shoulders it will be 2" wide and everywhere else 1". it will be adjusted for a custom fit by snaps. Good thing is he is about my size. Does anyone by any chance have a pattern for the straps I could use? Thanks Charles
  12. which of the stitchers are available? How thick will they sew and how much?
  13. JLSleather have you looked at harbor freight for metal lathe's?
  14. For me affordable would be 40-50 bucks. I am still getting things going and living on disability
  15. JLSLeather That is exactly what I am looking for! That drawing is spot on. I totally agree about the steel shank. I am with Oldnslow if someone should take on this and the price is affordable I would be all over this. I think it would be a great side business for someone that has access to the equipment and has the know how to accomplish this.
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