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Status Updates posted by KingDominoQ

  1. Crunch time. Have less than two days to finish three toy holsters a pair of gaiters start and finish a "steam punk" ladies belt and add some straps to a vest. On top of that I have to dismantle three toy guns then paint detail and reassemble them for sealing... Why do I procrastinate...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alamo
    3. Reegesc


      I used to think the same thing and always thought i needed needed more time. Then I retired and had plenty of time. still waited to the last minute. That's when i discovered that what i reaaly needed was a Good Excused list.

    4. Reegesc


      Excuses list. Not Explanation List

  2. So here I sit mindlessly oiling my harness for my steam punk getup...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KingDominoQ


      Yeah I posted it in show off title is costume harness

    3. Jazznow
    4. Peter Darby

      Peter Darby

      Just had my second cataract removed. Both eyes are clear and I can carve now and actually see what I am carving. Celebrating with a new knife sheath for my sister.

  3. Note to self, never participate in an Irish birthday celebration...

    1. EquusCustomLeathers


      LOL! The Irish know how to do it up right :)

    2. Genyfer Belle

      Genyfer Belle

      or you'll be thinkin "Irish I'd never gone!" ha..ha..ha.. ;)

    3. chancey77


      The funerals are even more fun:) Now thats a PARTY! I want to be remembered like that too:)

  4. So I should have all the leather I will need for my wife and my steam punk attire for the thingamajig fayre in SATX in march... I now have a little more than a month to create a corset, hooded vest, holster/tool belt, various cuffs, head gear and boot extensions. Busy busy busy

    1. ReneeCanady


      Awesome! I am working on a steampunk mug at the moment. I have seen some bad *** corsets out there! Be sure to post pics of your sets when finished. *anxiously awaiting*

  5. Just received my deal of the week order from Bruetons leather ... Now what do I do with 40 or so woven leather panels... And tons of short lace

    1. Beewoman


      bags with fringes? lol

  6. Been very long since I came here... It's good to be back

    1. Lavendara


      Welcome back to the craziness. :)

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