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Posts posted by KingDominoQ

  1. Update:

    I made a very amateur move and experimented on hardening the leather with one of my project pieces, this is good and bad, good thing is I learned quite a bit from the process bad thing is one of the plates for the gauntlet is so misshapen that I probably won't be able to attach it to the gauntlet. S this spurred on a redesign, should have the new plates cut out and stenciled sometime tomorrow... Now armed with the knowledge I have gained from your comments and suggestions I have a grand idea on how to make this happen.

    Will post pictures soon!

  2. Anyone know what the best order of operations would be for creating functional leather armor, strong enough to stop a blade or say tooth and claw attacks, and still be tooled to look amazing?

    Do you tool then harden or do you tool during the armorizing process... Basically when can you add the flourishes to armor without sacrificing too much functionality?

  3. Threading on the wife's bracers is the initial strengthening stitch and I am picking up some lace tomorrow to finalize. I agree the bracers do look unfinished. The shoe laces are just a temporary fix so she could try them on. I didn't even think about stitching through a few more times... Good idea, either way I am heading to the supply store to get lace thread and prolly some dye. Thanks for the input

  4. Hello,

    New guy, as the title implies, recently started leather crafting. Heard of and now seen some good things out of these forums. Happy to be a part.

    About me, been alive for three decades and feel like I have been drawing for four. Leather is a new medium to let my artistic side shine and is a lot more durable than paper. The leather bug was planted when my old man was making some simple armor for kendo class. I saw what my dad made and, being that I am ultra competitive when it comes to him, I said to myself not only can I do better but I can make it look good too.

    The old man got me my first set of basic tools for construction and I picked a basic carving/tooling set. It has been great time at the bench ever since. I am here to learn all I can and ask even more.



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