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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    Barrel racing, shooting, hunting, and other outdoor recreation.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse Tack
  • Interested in learning about
    Western floral carving, saddlery and new techniques
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  1. Cheryl the dog collar looks great! I can sew close to the edge with my sewing machine, but I need to get a new foot so it won't get caught on the beads. I'll have to take this new info and try to make some tack like this
  2. Thank you WinterBear for that information! It sounds like that would be a great way to do the kind of stone/bead work I would like to do. I have never heard of tigertail wire, but I'm going to go look into it right now! Thanks again!
  3. Thanks WinterBear, I know I have a wallet that has those beads attached with what looks like fishing line, they ended becoming a little loose though. I don't see why that wouldn't work if I could figure out a way to secure them tightly. My main concern is making sure they won't be easy to break off.
  4. Thanks Cheryl, I was thinking wire too. Some of the tack I have seen though does't have enough room around the edges to sew a backing on around the beads, so I wasn't sure if maybe there was another way to do it?
  5. Injured my knee again. No riding, but I guess this means more time for leather projects!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaclynn


      Thank you both! Still on crutches but feeling better. Plus I've been more productive in the leather department than I have in a while! That always makes you feel better! :)

    3. misha01


      That sucks about your knee. Hopefully it won't keep you out for too long. I looked through your gallery. You have some beautiful work in there.

    4. Jaclynn


      Thank you misha01!

  6. Hi, I want to attach large stone beads to leather tack, for example turquoise stone nugget beads, and I'm having difficulty figuring out the beast way to attach them. Does anyone have a way that works well and holds the beads on tightly? I attached a picture of some tack that has the stones attached, I'm thinking they used wire but I'm not sure. If anyone has some advice I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance! - Jaclynn
  7. Excited to have three separate horse tack awards orders!

  8. Here's my two cents worth. Pulling from over 20 years of horse experience and talking with friends and customers, when it comes to western tack most prefer chicago screws to hold the buckles on. This allows people to change out the buckles if they want. For instance, if you win an award buckle set you want the ability to put it on your headstall. Most people know to check their screws periodically and most like me secure them by putting clear nail polish or Loctite on the screws prior to screwing them in. It woks very well. I did a small poll and and it came out to roughly 1 in 5 preferred their buckles sewn on or permanently attached. (Those that I asked were predominantly barrel racers like myself.) For english bridles I say definitely sewn on. It looks cleaner for showing and when I competed in english (13 years or so) I never once changed out my buckles. But I have several times since I started barrel racing and roping. I hope that helps!!
  9. I'm having so much fun learning more about leatherwork! This site is great!

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