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Sebastian Dumitrescu

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  1. Thank you all for your comments and tips. Any tips what order to fold and sew as to not get any bulk slack and have all leather sides flat against each other? Thanks!
  2. Thank you both for your help. I will make a mock-up. I will look for oil board, have been using a scrap piece of leather to make the first template version. Can anyone recommend how to make the leather stiffer? It's very flimsy right now. Thanks
  3. Hello, I am new to this forum and to leather crafting. Excited to embark on a few projects here and there as a hobby. I am getting married in a few months and thought I would make my groomsmen a passport sleeve as a gift. I love the design Bellroy has. (https://bellroy.com/products/passport-sleeve-wallet/lo/black?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8rvqm_Tp4AIVBghpCh1jwATQEAAYASAAEgI6Q_D_BwE#image-2) I could simply by them, but i'd like to customize a little bit. Was hoping someone could help me out with a template or any direction. So far, I've purchased (and waiting to ship) this Saffiano leather: https://buyleatheronline.com/en/home/61-saffiano-printed-calfskin.html?search_query=saffiano&results=5 Also, I've purchased this pen to go along with the sleeve. https://www.amazon.com/Ohto-Minimo-Ballpoint-Pen-Holder/dp/B00BS52V8A The way I was thinking of approaching this was to get one piece of leather and fold it in two, creating a pouch. I would then cut (and stitch) the slots for the cards. Thoughts? The leather hasn't come yet, but I'm also concerned it may be to flimsy once assembled. Thank you in advance!
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