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About chriscraft

  • Birthday 05/12/1974

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  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI
  • Interests
    Fly Fishing, Leatherwork

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Fly Box Holsters and Police day book covers
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I like the color. Did you use an airbrush for the purple color?
  2. Thank you and thanks to all that have commented. I’m currently working on one of these covers but need to get back at building more stuff. It’s been over a year since I last made something out of leather.
  3. I diluted the Dark Brown dye using alcohol, so my airbrushing dye is a 50/50 mix. I just feather in the dark brown color and get heavier towards the edges.
  4. Sorry for the late reply. I’m not on here much. I used Fiebings Pro Dye RED, once dry and buffed I airbrushed Fiebings Pro Oil Dark Brown around the edges.
  5. Yes for a field notes pad.. 4”x6 3/4” this is an old thread I started in 2019. Thanks for the memories, it was a fun project to hand tool
  6. You know fredk, I hadn’t thought about using anything like that. I did not use anything. Along my swivel cuts where the clay squeezes in, it just gets jammed in there and breaks off when I pull the clay away. Had I used talc or something like that I’m sure it would still squeeze in there.
  7. Yes I’m lucky. I wasn’t a Bucks fan till I took a Paramedic Job at the Bradley Center where the Bucks play. Job was transporting fans out of the center that needed medical assistance. I was promoted to tending the talent (All NBA players) before, during and after games. That’s when I met Giannis and found out who he was. He is very humble and just an amazing person to be around. Listening to him having conversations and interacting with his brother or teammates, You would never think he was someone famous. My first few games sitting courtside alongside the player entrance/exit tunnel, I was Star Struck. It’s the same entrance that all the VIP’s use too. Soon after I became accustomed to this. Then they built the new stadium, Fiserv Forum, the house that Giannis built. I worked there alongside the NBA players till February 2021. We were never allowed to take any photos or obtain autographs. Before my last day, Giannis signed my Paramedic patch, I’ve since removed it from my uniform and it’s now something I can stuff inside an old shoebox with other memorable items.
  8. You would think but one issue is that you can find a basic black leather memo book cover for $20 at any police supply shop. I can’t complete with that and I really don’t think that I am or even in the same class. I’m offering a custom made to order product that is constructed from the best materials I can find. I want it to last your entire carrier and many more. I don’t sell many of these, mostly word of mouth, and that’s just fine as this is just a hobby. I just wanted to share what I’ve learned. This site has taught me a lot and it’s my way of returning the favor. If my process helps out someone here. That’s great!
  9. Bert, no offense taken and I appreciate any criticism. It’s how we learn
  10. I guess I didn’t word that correctly. It’s not that it took so much out of me to make it, just took me so long before I actually got started on it. lol I didn’t get into leatherwork because I had a bunch of extra time on my hands and didn’t know what to do with it. I’m slowly starting to dive into this hobby while I’m still working full time and still have kids at home. The idea is to slowly get better at my craft and purchase more tools as I need them so that I can become more efficient at building stuff. When the time comes that I end up with a lot of time on my hands, I can build stuff in a timely manner with the skills I’ve learned.
  11. I hear ya, I’m almost 50 years old and do appreciate these kinds of builds. I’m definitely not trying to make stuff that will end up in a landfill. I have a pattern since I was young, I’m either full on board when I make stuff or not onboard at all. My leatherwork has suffered because of this. I don’t make a lot of items anymore. No offense to those that do, I just simply don’t have the energy anymore like when I was in my 20’s. I’ve found that I like to be in a comfort zone and building random items for the first time takes me out of that zone. I need to be fully determined in order to get things done. Something that I never used to think about when I was younger and just came naturally. thanks for the compliments on this build. It does make me feel better about my craft and makes me want to put more of myself into each product.
  12. The design belongs to Dave Swallow. He uses all new construction and has different dimensions and a variety of sizes he offers these tooling stamp holders in. He is on Facebook if anyone is interested in purchasing one. I just simply wanted to share that a similar one could be built. I already had a drill press, scroll saw and the basic hand tools around. Want to share that you can source wood materials from local woodworkers as most have plenty of scrap wood laying around. I paid $15 for the solid Walnut, it would have cost a fortune had I gone to a lumberyard. The old used cutting board was $8 at the estate sale. I probably spent more on sandpaper, glue and screws. I was just determined to make myself something for my stamps. My wife was surprised on how nice it came out. Now she thinks I can build anything out of wood but I’m no woodworker. So be careful if you decide to tackle one of these on as you’ll also be expected to remodel a kitchen.
  13. Thanks PastorBob. I also like the two different colors of the wood together. Before I built this I was storing most of my saddle stamps in a drawer. This makes it easier to find the stamps I plan to use. It’s been a year since I built this tool rack and only wish I had built it sooner.
  14. I used Minwax spray urethane satin finish on this project.
  15. I used cabinet screws to secure the sides to the maple blocks. I capped the screw holes with wooden caps.
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