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About MonicaJacobson

  • Rank
    Leatherworker.net Regular
  • Birthday 01/17/1987

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    Bags, wallets, tooling, etc.
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  1. Hey Monica,

    Hmmm.  Well I'm confused.  I thought I saw a post by you asking about storing leather in plastic bags and the risk of attracting mold and I went to respond to tell you about another thread that might address your question, but it doesn't appear that it was you who asked the question and now I can't find the post.  Weird.   But I was also going to tell you about an email I received from Acadia Leather, so let's  move on to that.  

    So they are advertising a restock of their "Peruvian Mahogany York" leather.  (Man, talk about getting carried away with branding, lol).  I thought it was gorgeous and ordered a $58 side which is on it's way to me.  As  I was eyeballing this fancy-named good-looking leather I was reminded that you're always on the lookout for horse fronts and this just struck me as a similar type leather and thought  you might like  to know abut it.

    So, now you know.  :-)


    ps.  You've been really quiet for like....forever.   Things going your way?

    Screen Shot 2016-12-06 at 8.43.38 PM.png

    1. MonicaJacobson


      Nope! Wasn't me! I've already got my leather stored in roles in horizontal rods all up one wall. NOT in plastic bags. 

      Wow, the PMyork looks sweet! I'm definitely drawn to thin, shiny (but not too shiny) leathers right now, and that looks perfect. Thanks for the headsup. 

      Oh, not much going on. In fact, that's pretty much the problem. I haven't really made anything new, just more of the same, and not as much of that as usual because I've been gone on a lot of family trips and then obsessively reading through my latest lengthy book series find. ;) What have you been up to? Still working on shoes? I've been keeping up with things via e-mail a bit, since I'm subscribed to various parts of the forum. 

    2. Reegesc


      Hey Monica.  As it turns out I had also ordered a piece of Horween Chromexcel Horse Butt from Springfield around the same time just to see what all the hub bub was over the Horween.  They both arrived a few days ago and I tell ya I can't tell the difference between the two.   So that's $25 for a piece of Horween (about 2 sf) versus $58 for ~ 15 sf side of the PMY.   Can't beat that price for this quality.  Really amazing.   I'm going to order a couple more sides myself.    

      As for what I've been up to, I came with a cool imitation croc pattern for belts that turned out really nice.  Check it out.  


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