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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. Thank you for the chart, I don't believe the needle size is my problem, but I could be wrong
  2. So I have had my machine for a few months now and just started sewing with 277 Bonded Thread, I have been using 138 bonded. For some reason I can not get the bobbin thread pulled up and in. I am using the smallest needle recommended for 277 which is a 25. I have tried adjusting the tension on the top, but just can't seem to get it. I am sewing 2 layers of 8 oz.
  3. So I've been sewing away with my new cobra 4 and love it. I'm looking to purchase a bunch more colors of thread, but I wanted to get some thoughts on what size thread I should be using for 8 ounce leather doubled mostly, also does it matter how thick it is for what thread? I've been using B138 and I like it better than the 277 that cam with the machine, perhaps this is because I'm using the wrong needles? Is their a graph I can print out and stick next to my machine for thread/needle/leather thickness and sizes to use? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. I also am curious about needle and thread size if anyone else has any info regarding what size needle to use with what size thread. Also what size thread for what thickness of leather too
  5. I will try to get some more photos of it up! Thank you for all the feedback!
  6. I'm really happy with how these turned out, almost have 9 more finished as well! Let me know what you all think!
  7. First leather item I have made. I learned a lot, next one will go smoother and turn out a lot nicer I'm sure! Pretty stoked off it though, gonna keep this one for my dogs. BTW, thank you all in the chat room for all your help and answering all my questions. Also, any suggestions for the next one would be great!
  8. Different collars are used for different things, a 2" working collar allows the dog to work and pull without choking the dog... I agree that having center bar buckles are a pain to put on a dog that is ready to work. I use roller buckles with all of my working dogs (currently 12), they work great and I wouldn't change a thing. Now that I have a machine I will start making a few...
  9. After some thought, I have decided to look into at least recouping the expenses I am out. I will be filing a small claims suit, I sent him an email 2 days ago. If I don't hear back from him I will file Monday.
  10. No, I tried to buy the machine and had made a deal with the seller and drove up to pay for it and pick it up and the seller decided he wanted to sell it to his "buddy" instead after I drove over 500 miles round trip ...
  11. Made a deal with Troy at philosophy bag company to purchase this machine via email over the last few days. We made arrangements for me to pick it up today for X amount of dollars. Deal was finalized and left early this morning (he knew I was coming from Grants Pass, OR which is about 280 miles south of him and it would cost me roughly 150.00 in fuel). I get an email after I'm already most the way up stating that his buddy was going to pay full price and he shoulda checked his other emails so he's going to sell it to him. I tried calling him several times along the way before I received this email with no answer. Even after he sent me the email I tried calling him again several times with no answer. I emailed him back sitting off one of the exits in Portland stating that I had already made the drive like we had discussed the night before and that I'd wait around for about an hour to hear from him. He replied again about an hour later that he is selling it to his buddy sorry... It floors me that he would knowingly have me drive over 250 miles each way and not keep his deal. Not happy at all.
  12. Made a deal with Troy at philosophy bag company to purchase this machine via email over the last few days. We made arrangements for me to pick it up today for X amount of dollars. Deal was finalized and left early this morning (he knew I was coming from Grants Pass, OR which is about 280 miles south of him and it would cost me roughly 150.00 in fuel). I get an email after I'm already most the way up stating that his buddy was going to pay full price and he shoulda checked his other emails so he's going to sell it to him. I tried calling him several times along the way before I received this email with no answer. Even after he sent me the email I tried calling him again several times with no answer. I emailed him back sitting off one of the exits in Portland stating that I had already made the drive like we had discussed the night before and that I'd wait around for about an hour to hear from him. He replied again about an hour later that he is selling it to his buddy sorry... It floors me that he would knowingly have me drive over 250 miles each way and not keep his deal. Not happy at all...
  13. I'm looking to sew up some leather collars 2", leashes and harnesses on a regular basis. I am very good at figuring things out (I think) and would like a machine that can handle this with ease. I have never sewn anything before but am pretty good with my hands. I'm looking to use 8-12 oz material for this. I also was wondering if a machine that can handle this could also handle sewing material like nylon, jute, and French linen? Any advice, info, or if you know of a used machine for sale that has these capabilities your help would be much appreciated!
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