I've been diggin on this forum for a week or so trying to find some info to help me finish my hunting holster. I was considering buying a holster for awhile, but the only leather holster that would really work is $130. So, I decided to try doing it myself because I wasn't about to shell out that kind of money if I could do it myself for less.
It's very plain, no tooling. However, it fits the gun very well. Tight enough that the gun isn't going anywhere. I can draw the gun easily and the holster does not flatten out when the gun is drawn, so I can put it back into the holster with one hand.
Since I didn't have any leather tools, everything was cut with a utility knife. The holes were laid out with a fork to try to keep the stitching evenly spaced and clean. Also, since I didn't cut the sides perfect, I sanded the edges flush with a dremel after they were stitched. That was a trick I read on this forum somewhere. I still need to burnish the edges and add a top coat. The top coat is something I don't know how I'm going to do it. I'll probably end up at the local leather store asking for something that I can coat it with that will handle being out in the weather.
Thanks to everyone on this forum, as the project would not have turned out as good without the info here. As well as it turned out it's not perfect, but my next one will hopefully be better.