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Everything posted by vpd66

  1. I posted my problem in the thread "Singer 111W155 timing/thread issues", but didn't get any responces so I thought I'd start my own post. I bought my Singer 111W155 10 months ago from a guy, but he didn't have any thread so he just ran the machine and didn't sew anything with it (my dumb mistake). He said it sewed and shouldn't need anything but normal maintance. I got it home and bought a new needle and thread. I got it to sew, but kept having a extra loop of thread around the bobbin when I removed my material. After 10 months of using this machine for small projects, I decided it wasn't me and the machine needed some adjustment. I rounded up 2 different copys of the manual for this machine (Singer and US government). I studied the manuals, researched the internet (which brought me here), and studied my machine. I determined that my timing of the arm shaft and the hook drive shaft is off by a 1/8". The problem is when I line up the marks on the hook drive shaft and have the take-up lever all the way up the belt won't go on. it is a 1/2 tooth off. I can go a tooth either way, but the marks are a 1/8" off either way. Took the hand wheel and bearing off and even took out the drive pin for the top belt sprocket on the arm shaft and everything looks good and tight. I did notice when I first started checking things that the safety clutch had a zip tie holding the arm that engages it around the shaft. I removed it and tried to adjust it but when I get the timing marks lined up the clutch is too far off to engage. So my question is why can't I get the timing marks lined up? Is my safety clutch wore out? Stretched timing belt? Bent armshaft or hookdrive shaft? Any ideas? I'm about to purchase a new timing belt and a new safety clutch to see if that fixes my problems, but I hate throwing money at problems hoping it fixes it.
  2. I have a 111w155 that I'm having trouble getting the timing marks lined up. When the take up lever is all the way up and I align my marks, the belt won't engage the sprocket. It is 1/2 tooth off. I tried adjusting the clutch as per the video posted in this thread, but by the time I adjust it enough the clutch is disengaged. Any ideas? The shaft isn't twisted. Could the belt be stretched? Is the clutch wore out? I'm not trying to hijack this thread. I just thought it would be good to add my problem to this thread.
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