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Everything posted by gtrscarz

  1. Does anyone have a guitar strap template to share? Specifically one with a strap and a strap extension with buckle. Much appreciated in advance. Thanks
  2. Does anyone have a basic watch cuff template to share?
  3. Does anyone have a pattern for Watch Straps they feel like sharing? I'm looking to expand my skills. Thank you in advance. -mike-
  4. I am a Volunteer Fire Fighter also new to leather. I'd Love to get any templates or patterns for both Shields and Radio Straps. The guys at the station would much appreciate it. Anything anyone can share is greatly appreciated by me. Thanks in advance. mike
  5. I was wondering if anyone has had experience making custom Fire Helmet Shields. I've had a request to make one but had a few questions. First off, does anyone have a template? And is there any special finish to be used since they are going to be in a working fire environment. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks mike
  6. Hi. I'm looking for some patterns for guitar straps. If anyone has something to share I greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
  7. What are some good resources for buying Decorative Snaps, Decorative Rivets or any other hardware for Leather? Any info shared is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. Does anyone have a good supplier for Decorative Rivets? Any info is greatly appreciated. thanks
  9. Dwight Thank you so much for all that you shared. Have a Great Christmas.
  10. I'm rather new to leather and looking for a straight forward knife sheath pattern to make as a gift for my Dad. Anyone have a pattern they'd like to share? any and all info is greatly appreciated. thanks -mike
  11. My question is, without using an alphabet stamp, what is the best way to tool someone's name cleanly? any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you mike
  12. Thank you for the tips. I'll look into tracing film and the stylus.
  13. I'm new to leather and have a question when it comes to tracing a design onto your piece. I'm working on a pretty detailed floral piece and was wondering if there were any tips to transfer the design better. What I'm doing now is basically taking a printed design, tracing it with tracing paper, then tracing over that again, leaving an impression on the leather for me to make my cuts. My issue is on a bigger piece the tracing paper shifts around or I keep poking holes through with my pencil. Just not as neat as I'd like it to be. Any suggestions? thanks mike
  14. Thanks man. It definitely helped me out. I'll take the advice on the templates.
  15. Hey. I'm new to Leather but want to start some more ambitious projects. Does anyone have any idea where to get templates for Watch Cuffs? Preferably one with 2 straps. Any info you can share is greatly appreciated. Thanks Mike
  16. thanks. i was thinking not so much of cutting out a circle, but carving a circle design within a piece. practicing on a bunch of pre-cut coasters, doing a circular design in the middle...but looks more like an egg.
  17. New to leather and having a hard time doing the simplest thing...making a perfect circle. Any suggestions or tricks greatly appreciated.
  18. I'm new to leather and have done some basic projects. I've been looking to add to my skills and get more involved with stitching. I saw a youtube video of a guy doing guitar straps using a sewing machine for the liner. Question...is there a machine that is recommended or is it recommended to hand stitch?
  19. Where is a good place for a beginner to get designs / patterns for a leather bag? something similar to a small duffle bag or man bag. I'm cutting my teeth on floral work and other tooling, but haven't done much assembly. any info is greatly appreciated. thanx mike
  20. I'm looking to add more dimension to my pieces. Any recommendations on a good hardware contact is much appreciated. Decorative Rivets in particular. Thanks
  21. I am new to leather crafting and looking for resources for design templates to work on my skills. Is it more common to buy designs or create your own? Any info is greatly appreciated. thanks mike
  22. dragon- Thanks for the feedback. I'll take all I can get both positive and negative. Just to be clear, when I say 'shop'...it's basically my home office converted into a small leather working area. I unfortunately have been unemployed from a long job doing graphic design...So I have plenty of time but little $$ to invest into developing my skills. I got the basic set up and I'm sure I'll add tools as I learn. I don't plan on doing anything with it until I (and others) feel my work is respectable, well crafted and original. I can say that I'm hoping I'll have a love for it based on what I know, but I'm sure it will be a learning curve from what I"m use to. I appreciate the response and comments. thanks Mike
  23. Dave Hey, thanks for the info. I've done a bunch of research and settled on ordering a start-up kit from Tandy today. I"m sure I'll want to order more tools as I get to learn more, but at least this will get me started. My friend, who is amazing, is more of a long distance friend in NYC and he likes to keep his craft skills a secret. I'm sure he'll warm up eventually. Great guy either way. Anyway, I have a ton of questions...but I'll just hit you with a couple to start. 1- When doing designs...cuffs for example...are you always using a stencil to trace? If so, where is the best resource to get stencils? 2- With stitching...is it always hand stitched, or do some use machines. I saw some smaller designs that had tiny running stitches that looked like they had to be stitched using a sewing machine. 3- One last question (today anyway)...as far as the leather...for doing cuffs and guitar straps to start, what would you recommend and how many pieces can you get out of one hide? My questions may seem basic, but I'm just learning so please bare with me. Unfortunately and fortunately I have a lot of time to devote to the craft so I'm looking forward to getting started. Thanks in advance for any info shared. Mike
  24. Hey I'm brand new to Leather Crafting. I have a friend who does amazing work who inspired me to get into it. I've been an artist using many mediums my whole life so I wanted to give this a try not only for the love it, but also to start a small shop. Maybe start with guitar straps and cuffs. Just looking for any advice for start up kits, tools, shop gear, leather, etc. from anyone involved. Looking forward to getting started. Thanks in advance. Mike
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