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About SilverStarCreek

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Shore of Lake Superior, Minnesota

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse tack
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather working

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  1. very interested in purchasing, sent you a PM
  2. I see this is an older post, however I am looking to purchase and live in MN so can pick it up at your convenience if this is still available. I am crossing my fingers it hasn't sold!
  3. I have a hand press (not sure on the brand as I have had it for many, many years) and I also have a semi-automatic foot press that is a heritage brand purchased through weaver. But it will not work with the semi-automatic setter with my thick leather. I do it both ways when I set my spots. I set some before stitching the lining on and some after. The ones set on the edge like you a posted a picture of they have an edge guide like you would have on a leather sewing machine as the roller edge guide I am assuming. I still just set them all by hand and then "crimp" them with my hand or foot press as I can't get a nice straight line no matter how I try w/o and edge guide. I have some very large orders coming up and it just consumes so much of my time setting the spots and my hands can't take much more of it, so I want to invest in a good machine. But I have been having no such luck finding one. I would have liked to attend a trade show where different suppliers were at last week in Colorado, as then I would have been able to bring samples of my work to do some testing. There is another one in September but I don't want to wait that long to get one.
  4. I talked with a company and they do have a machine that will set them that close, but will not work with thick leather and doesn't have a guide. I know there is a machine out there as I have seen many other horse tack makers work and they have the spot touching or almost touching. I just don't know what companies to contact to ask. I don't mind sending samples of my leather to them to test on either. Just want to buy the best one I can to begin with.
  5. My hands are getting tired setting 1/4" spot on my leather horse tack. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a supplier for a machine? (one with a hopper at the very least and a guide for setting them straight)? I just need to make sure whatever the one I buy can set them so they are touching. (the last machine I bought doesn't allow them to be set that close together and will not work with the thick leather I use) I have just outgrown my current ones and would like to buy the right one the first time. Thanks everyone for your help. smile emoticon Here is a picture of what I make for reference to what I need to achieve for edging my overlays.
  6. I have been making headstalls for the last 2 years using 12-13 oz Herman Oak Harness Leather. I do this as a hobby, and have now come to a point that I no longer want to hand sew them anymore. I have found 2 different leather sewing walking foot machines in my price range and I am wanting to know if they will work for my application. Both are by singer one is model 16-1888 and the other is 78-3. The have some pictures of leather that was sewn by the machines, but I want to know if either will work for the thickness of leather I am using. Thanks for helping me out as I am new to the leather world.
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