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Everything posted by Samar

  1. Thank you. The information is interesting. I speak little English, but I'll try.
  2. Thank you. Without interior walls and pockets. Such an edge customer ordered. He wanted to kind natural of leather.
  3. Thank you. Small strap goes under the clock and processed instrument.
  4. Thank you. ))) Maybe so. He is far away. The country of destination of Vietnam.
  5. Customer diver. Coins copies of the originals. Panticapaeum (Kerch), the key to the two seas. Coat of arms of the city - griffin.
  6. Thank you. Owl will be later. I hope so.))))) How did you know? Tired of catching them all. With black eyes barely talked.)))))))
  7. Thank you. Do you agree with the magic? Now 21 century.))) Detail is important. They give life to the picture.)
  8. Thank you for your feedback. Your works are beautiful, too. Ski, I'm sorry you are Ukrainian or Polish? Your name is very interesting.)
  9. Thank you for your kind words. I'm trying.)
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