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  1. Thanks for the info Tugadude
  2. Maybe this video will help identify the material...https://youtu.be/bnGfbP8sziA
  3. It has a very strong bb glove smell. The leather is very supple and soft. As far as the stretch goes if I were to compare it to say a piece of latigo that is 12-14oz, the latigo is firm and has little stretch. The pictured leather is spongy and will stretch much more than latigo. The side tint is very blue grayish almost white. The leash is from k9 tactical gear and they make all of their leashes from the same material. They even offer it in lengths of 20+ feet. I recently learned how they do that from a video from Europe of them making it.
  4. That's weird I wasn't able to post text in my op. Anyways I need help trying to identify the type of leather in the picture. The leather pictured is very soft and has some stretch to it. It smells just like a baseball glove. It's thick I'm guessing around 14-16oz. I know some if it is made in Europe and it's cut from a whole hide on a turn table to get long lengths. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. What show is better to attend for a first timer? Prescott or Sheridan? Why.
  6. Wattspd

    Latigo Strap

    I was thinking they are cutting sides in an unique way to get the overall length. I have a 30 foot tracking lead that I bought a few years ago that is one piece. I checked several times to see if it was spliced and it wasn't.
  7. Wattspd

    Latigo Strap

    Where can I find Latigo straps 12-14 oz in 1/2 inch, 5/8, 3/4, 1inch widths? The longer the better. Currently I'm getting them in 84 inch lengths but I believe I can find it longer and possibly in a roll. Some K9 gear vendors offer leashes in 10 foot plus using the same material.
  8. I made this holster right after my first holster. It's inspired by a members (Topdown) holster seen here http://leatherworker...showtopic=48409
  9. Thank you for the kind words and advise guys. It carries very nice for me and without a doubt it's a high ride holster (Might be top heavy for some). The hardest part for me is to conceal a full size 1911 without a big jacket. On all the holsters I bought at a store the barrel sticks out about an inch from bottom of my shirt and I am always tugging at my shirt. I wanted three things out of this first holster. 1. Zero cant of the gun (I personally don't like a holster that cants way forward). 2. A clean appearance of the holster and firearm ( meaning if in uniform all you see is the front of the holster no belt loops) 3. Concealable with a button shirt if necessary. I am a slender guy and hiding a full size sidearm outside the waist holster makes things tricky. It keeps the firearm very close to my body and hides the butt perfect if I carry it a 8 o'clock. I will work on smoothing out the next holster and make it flow better. Thanks again for the advise.
  10. I would like to thank all the members on this forum for posting all the helpful information. Thank You! Well this is my first attempt at making holsters. Do you think I did okay?
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