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  1. So should I wet just the outside and stretch that? I was thinking of putting the whole handle in water then wrapping with a towel and hanging the bag over a door knob, with a few books inside the bag. But it seems from what you're saying that won't help. Should I try my plan with just the top braided part wet? P.S. I made leather bookmarks with my daughter's girl scout troop during our fall camping trip. But that's it for my experience with leather working!
  2. I'm about to spend a *lot* of money on a handbag with leather handles. The handle is made of good quality leather and comes nearly straight. It is supposed to mold to the wearers shoulder over time, but a lot of people have reported ripples on the underside of the handle. Is there anything I can do to my bag when I get it to avoid this problem?
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