I just got home from Montana horseman saddle building school. I loved it, it was amazing! We built a saddle in pairs then built our own saddles while helping each other out and they were all different. Now I am working on getting a shop together, I have a shop at home, just have to make it a saddle shop. I already have some people wanting me to build a saddle so I'm working on getting all my tools and supplies. What does it take to build and sell saddles, I mean I understand the craft, art, advertising and such I am confused about the business side of it. Do I need to create an LLC or get a tax ID number now or should I just focus on my skills and worry about that later? They make it easier to do this on the internet now but what do you have to do to build and sell saddles without getting into trouble? I can't find anything on the internet about this. Of course the IRS wants you to register but do you really have to? I know its probably a dumb question but I don't know anything about this. I am a 23 year old woman with absolutely no entrepreneurship knowledge. Any help from someone who has experience running a shop would be so helpful.