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Everything posted by bucksnort

  1. Very nice work. I really like the effect of the cornering on your strings & the colors of your rawhide ( I've looked at several of your posts). I'm definitely going to dehair my next hide using your method. It won't make my work as nice as yours, but my screw-ups will look better. Buck
  2. I could add a couple of ideas to this. I have used Sealtex track bandage with good results. It is latex rubber that only sticks to itself. Since it is rubber, it won't slip when wrapped tight & can be removed with no marks left. As an added benefit, it is tan in color, so it doesn't show thru if you have any gaps. I cut a strip about 1/4 in wide. I bought from ebay. Don Brown uses blue painters tape with good results. He likes it because it resists moisture & won't run any color. Buck
  3. Hello all, I've been learning to rawhide for about 2 yrs. Mostly self taught with Bruce Grants wonderful, hateful book. I took a class last winter from Ralph Dillon & learned a ton (mostly how little I knew). Ralph does some of the finest work I've ever seen & has the patience of a saint. Here are a couple of my most recent pieces. Looking forward to learning from you all. Making progress in Montague, Buck
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