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walter roth

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About walter roth

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  • Birthday 05/22/1962

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    st. gallen - CH
  • Interests
    I am a saddler of the old School. Did the Profession in a Saddlery teach about 3.1 / 2 years learned.
    I needed about 10 and more years to be really good.
    I offer restoring many carriages and I put more than 40 harnesses of all types ago.
    Including fine English Coach Harnesses with the collars. Everything from Hand-sewn with 14 stitches per inch.
    Also cars from the period before 1914, I have already made.
    I ask also still produces the so-called box-loops that were used 100 years ago in Englisch Harnesses.
    I have to memorize the pattern plates to impress at the 30th.
    I collect my Tools since I was teaching at that time of saddlers who died today on the internett.
    I use most of the tools to work, but some of them I do not know why they were needed.
    Unfortunately, I only speak a little englich, I hope it is understandable.

    Walter Roth / Saddler / Switzerland

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Collar and Harness maker, Coach restauration
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  1. Hello keith
    .... somehow I found my way here.
    The Huber & Co. Company was active in Zurich until around 1999.

    She was ... THE ... supplier of saddlery accessories.
    They also bought many tools from Carl Blombach.
    These saddler plows only existed until around 1980.
    Presumably they come from Blombach in the late phase. The company still exists today, but they haven't made saddlery tools for a long time. Carl Blombach was also the best manufacturer of punches.

    "Blosta" was one of his trademarks.
    In his catalogs, the tools are always listed in the "dozen" (12) with price.
    He was probably the manufacturer of almost all tools such as rice circles, including those that Melzer & Feller, Langenhahn, Emil Zwanzig, etc. sold.

    A suitable knife is difficult to find.
    I haven't seen one for a long time.
    Huber (later "Huberco") always offered replacement Blanchard knives.
    5780 Carl Blombach Werkzeuge – Wuppertal Ronsdorf
  2. Halo M

    i just saw the link to your tool again.
    what happened to the tool?

    Would you sell it to me if you still have it?

    I saw these plows 40 years ago and I know what the knives looked like.

    Walter Roth Switzerland
  3. walter roth

    Sh 1

    Oh yes Almost forgotten.... Of course, the market for these sewing clamps is small. Even here in Europe, these sewing clamps were almost as good as nowhere 30 years ago, except for Switzerland. Even leather goods companies like Kiefer in Munich sewed still with Sewing Clamps one must clamp between the legs. - The big sewing horses on which one could also sit, which were quite rare and abroad mostly very scarce. This Sewing-Clamp has only been sold in Germany for about 30 years. One sees in the world a lot of sewing aids which are useless, the seams at the leather parts usually show with what was worked. Whoever wants to do a good job must have this model, everything else is mischief. I can not write the nicer. Greeting Walter
  4. walter roth

    Sh 1

    Hi Alan.............. - I just happened to see these pictures now, something went wrong. - Anyway,.... now I've looked at them. Of course, you sent me some of it by mail. So this has become a very nice job. You are a very good craftsman with wood...... 1a. And the price is also very good, here cost much less beautiful...... much more. Thanks for the post. - Greeting Walter
  5. Hello Nox... and colleagues...... - Yes, this Saint-Sauveur I dived. She go down, but the small lake is beityfull - I Dive the Emergence-de-Ressel, the Font-del-Truffe, the La-Finou, and other Caves.... ------------------------------------------------------- - By the way... The Eagle...... from Plough-Gouge One often finds Sattler tools with the so-called ....."WaA" Stamp. He looks so... https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffenamt_codes#/media/file: Waffen.jpg The Eagle stands for Wehrmacht acceptance and the Number for the inspection Officer. (Quality control) - - Wenn the Eagle is slightly larger and holds the "Hackenkreutz" ( in Englisch = Hook-Cross or Swastika ??? ) in the Ring in his Clutches, so that is the German Imperial holding stamp. So the Ownership of the German Empire. It is everywhere where space was always both. The tool companies have worked also for the "Wehrmacht" and were subject to a strict quality control. Greetings Walter
  6. Hello NOX If you a list the ifjox have the tools nor does, that would make me interest. Awesome pictures, and yes I know this tool brands, but not with the address which belongs to. Sorry, I have your posts it first now read. I bought some tools from Ifojoss. I even got him to a market hit, that was about 1993, I was in France at the cave diving. I do not remember where it was, somewhere in central France to Rocamadour. I then made the Eemergence de ressel, the Font del Truffe, the la Finou etc. dives. at that time I was just not interested and I have not even the man with the saddlery plant zeugen gesprochen...schade. about 4 years ago I got a price list from his son, but unfortunately some were things for me too expensive. you clothes are beautiful, you have more tools like the most sattler I know. keep it up. I did also saddles, here you said "the French" model, because they had separate seat cushion made of felt, the leather is soaked in water, then with were involved. And of course with "Tree". Yes I'd like the tool catalogs, please give me your e-mail and I'll catalog send you the Blanchard. But please private mail, the system here is cumbersome. Unfortunately I didn't like the rider as a customer, so I stopped after about 60 saddles so. Greetings Walter
  7. Hi all Well, there's just something interesting to buy. "Ricardo" .... is something like the eBay of Switzerland. https://www.ricardo.ch/kaufen/buero-und-gewerbe/sonstiges-gewerbe/sonstiges/lederriemen-lochmaschine/v/an820975970/?utm_source=criteo&utm_medium=noncv&utm_campaign=ric_ret_de The machine is cheap, but the transport costs... Greeting Walter
  8. Hello together... Unfortunately, there is only the "MKO" Offenbach making tools. He is the last German Sattler - tool maker. I have just a little time, will also write. But I just put all photos disappeared from the tread that found... What is there...? Without photos, the tread is worthless. I await a response. Greeting Walter
  9. Hello Allan No, Flessati made no tools for a long time. Sattler sure 40 years anymore, but he has it still traded for when I went into teaching for Saddler. Something still found himself when he started to rooms. He simply used "Flessati" as her brand. There were earlier still a Flessati, St.Gallen, from the same family. ( Flessati - Krontal ) Once again, they were Italians. The craft was traditionally widely used for Italians. Greetings Walter
  10. Hello everybody... I had no time to make something here. I hope Alan, the images of his sewing pliers here. He has made super nice. Anyway, I'm very satisfied when I saw them. Yes Alan is probably now the No. 1 in Plough Gouge collecting ..... ((((-. There sure 20 models of the plough gouge from the workshop of Blanchard. He has made nearly 200 years for a lot of companies and tool dealer in his ...Modelle after their request. That's why you will find many models and also many non-branded by Blanchard. Here in St. Gallen there 35 years ago still 3-4 blade forged the saddlery tools sold. The Cutlers had their own brands, and their tools were stamped with its own brand. The last here is also already an elderly man and wants to quit, he is 85 now, I've known him for 40 years when I bought my first knife as a schoolboy. Flessati is his name, he still exists, but he has open only on Saturday. http://www.tagblatt.ch/ostschweiz/stgallen/stadtstgallen/tb-st/Der-letzte-Messerschmied-schliesst;art186,3979304 For me a great loss, just personally, knows it is so long already. Greeting Walter
  11. Hi Simon.................... I've been watching the problem many leather artisans with the leather fold have for long years. I'll show a job taking pictures and step by step how I do this. I work to pull a u-shaped trench often without the leather. The leather can withstand much more form than many want to believe. If anyone who has seen how, working much more precise and easier. I have a small "INCA bandsaw" (old Swiss brand) to produce the forms made of wood. So, I then commit the forms of leather bags in a wood-embossed tool. Setting to the woodworking tools is very quickly done,... 30 minutes for a form. But it takes 1-2 weeks until I time to do. Greeting Walter
  12. Hallo Simon Ich freue mich immer wenn mein Ratschläge etwas genutzt haben. Und ganz richtig, für eine gute Naht ist die Rückseite ....sehr .....sehr wichtig. Sie sollte im Idealfall fast so gerade wie die Vorderseite sein. Und natürlich, wenn die Ahle richtig geschliffen ist, sticht sie viel regelmässiger. Denn, wenn eine zu spitze Ahle auf der vorderen Seite schon falsch einsticht, ist auf der Rückseite der Fehler noch viel grösser, ........der Abweichung beim Einstechen wird nach hinten noch vergrössert. Ist die Spitze aber etwas rund und scharf geschliffen, kann der Fehler beim Stechen etwas nachkorrigiert werden. Die Ahle lässt sich durch den seitlichen Druck über den Ahlengriff etwas führen. Das geschieht beim geübten Näher ganz automatisch. Gruss Walter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Simon I'm always happy when my advices have used something. And that's right, for a good seam, the back is very, very important. It should be almost as straight as the front ideally. And of course, if the awl is well done, it stands out much more regularly. Because, if one already wrong stands up to sharp awl on the front page, it comes out much worse on the back, ...der is increased failed the piercing. The tip is slightly round and sharp, can failed in a playoff to be corrected slightly. The awl through the lateral pressure via the awl handle something lead. I hope this is understandable... with my bad English...))) -: Greetings Walter
  13. Hi Simon... This is the reason why all my tools are finely polished. The finer the surface even less quick forms rust. But I shine just after ...sobald is stains show, and it fats up easily. It has rubbed off earlier hands with alum craftsmen who had strong hand welding. "Alum" is the tanning substance used for White leather, White Leather things the soldiers of Napolens, etc. Wax used in museums to protect metal objects such as armour against rust, which is much more effective as fat, but it's only good if you never touch it. By the way, who in leather or fabric something not good to work goes (cover with fabric or something like that), so you can try it with silicone oil, so with silicone spray from the spray can. This is no stains and makes slippery thick fabrics. Greetings Walter
  14. Hallo Thorsten...... Der Form halber Antworte ich dir auch hier im Blog. Also. die Zange misst in der Breite oben 8 cm. das auf den Bodenplatte eingezeichnete Rechteck ist der Umriss wo die teile hinkommen wenn sie montiert werden. Also die 2 Spannzangeneile und die beiden Deckbretter vorne und hinten. Die 2 Schablonen müssten vorhanden sein, Jens sollte die haben.......????? Die zwei Schablonen sind ein und das selbe teil, nur einfach die Aufsicht und der Grundriss, also das eine Teil von vorne und von oben her gesehen. Gruss Walter.
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