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  1. As an FYI normally if you use Bee Natural Pro Carve in your water you case with, it will eliminate that reaction before it happens. It will not remove it once there, but if you are keeping that hide then its worth a try to salvage the leather.
  2. The tanning chemistry is very complex. I have been told that its not necessarily the time in the drums with the dye that causes penetration but more so the ph of the solution. But obviously changing the ph to get the dye deeper causes other outcomes as well. Maybe the leather turns into a wet noodle, or maybe it turns stiff as a board. So once a process is developed it is not an easy change to make the leather struck through. I don't know of any 11+oz leather in bridle or latigo that is struck through. If you have it specially done please keep us in the loop!
  3. Weaver stocks them too in large volume. $131/1000 if you buy by the case. That's wholesale price.
  4. Weaver has 1" spikes in nickel over brass. nice spikes.
  5. Weaver sells both. Price is best if you can buy wholesale. Don't know about where to look used.
  6. Weaver doesn't have what you are looking for from them?
  7. They have all weights from 2/3 all the way to 10/11 so you could get a 3/4 for your needs. NOT A grade...tannery run. if you order a side at a time you will get an A or a good B from experience but if you order 5 you will get "tannery run" and grade will vary a bit. Though tannery run on natural tooling seems to be better/cleaner than other finished leather.
  8. Weaver has HO natural tooling and Chahin. Wholesale prices for 7/8 are: HO-$8.55 for 1-4, $8.04 for 5-9, and $7.52 for 10+ sides Chahin 7/8 is priced per side $192.44 for 1-4, $180.89 for 4-9 and $169.35 for 10+ sides. Tannery run grade, but their Chahin has always been pretty nice for me.
  9. If you are buying in qty and are able to buy wholesale Weaver Leather has the whole line of Jeremiah Watt hardware. Buckles, conchos, loops, dees...etc. there is a whole section in their supply catalog. This is the same hardware Jeremiah is selling himself but he will sell you one of something where Weaver wont.
  10. Weaver has a 9/10oz crackled finish in both black and white in double shoulder. Pretty cool stuff They also have the chrome tan with the "pull up" finish that turns light when bent/stressed. Its lighter 5/6oz maybe
  11. Weaver has a good selection of needles and nylon thread
  12. You are correct. The inside of the cap has almost like an anvil like shape and it drives the edge of the rivet under the lip of the cap. Holds pretty tight. Works well with their little hand press
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