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Everything posted by walkg

  1. Plus it helps me relax and not want to kill my teenage DITTO ! You can make it last really long if necessary !
  2. Great woodworking, great design and am sure your sister would be proud of it. Make great use of it and your skills.
  3. Wenny, do you or husband, friends, neighbors, etc, have any building experience ? if so, build your own I have found fast, least expensive. As part time leather worker with const experience building outhouses to nukes with some experience. Let me know and I will try to help you out. Designed my own and found with modified gambrel roof and modular design (4-8-6-10 etc), no 14 ft, it's lumber waste. It can be built as large (width / length) that you want. Anyway would like to help if you seek assistance. 12x16 one day to build with some helping friends,(with hammers).
  4. Seems that we have similar problem. Since I can only stored rolled it does tind to roll while I am cutting, also. I recently reverse rolled the larger pieces (0n clean area) then rewrapped two or three pieces of heavy brown paper. I buy mine local lowes/home depot. 36" wide very heavy. Normally called "walk off" paper. Very inexpensive and thick. Couple of double reverse rolls keeps it from smacking in the face. Heavy paper protects the grain side very well. Just an idea. Also, didn't mention, be careful of paper edges it's thick and sharp will give a very nasty paper cut.
  5. Do these come in quick draw two holster rig ?
  6. I must be dense or to old but unable to locate the referenced adult section or how to get there. Will some one clue me in?
  7. Can I get access too?
  8. walkg


    One way to keep the two pices aligned I use wax paper between the pieces. Overlay the pieces, at some point and gradually slid the wax paper out . This way keeps the parts aligned. Also, if the parts are not aligned you can pop it up and adjust.
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