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  • Interests
    Holster making, bag making

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None yet.
  • Interested in learning about
    Holster making
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  1. That is impressive. Beautifully done.
  2. Beautiful work and very inspirational to newb like me.
  3. Hi Trevor. I like them very much. They look elegant. I don't know much about Sam Brown hardware. Will the leather stay snug over the fastener over time?
  4. Absolutely beautiful. Noob question - was an embossing wheel used on the edge of the one in the top image or was it all hand stamped?
  5. Hi Toolerlass. I can relate. I'm in the same boat. There's so much stuff to buy in the beginning but it is so satisfying to hold something in your hand that you have made.
  6. Thanks CJ. I did see those leather Manhattan suppliers mentioned on the internet but i think you're right. They cater to fashion designers and not tooling.
  7. Thanks so much for this informative response. This is excellent. Once again very nice work.
  8. Looks really nice. I particularly like how the silver looks against the dye you chose. If I may ask, what was your finishing process and what products did you use to finish it?
  9. Hello all, Been lurking on this great forum for a few weeks now trying to absorb all the knowledge. I have been very impressed with the photographs members have been posting of their works. I've never made anything out of leather in my life but decided to try my hand at an owb holster. The results were "interesting." I'm still in the "you don't know what you don't know phase" but am taking it one step at a time. "Search" is my friend and I have used it plenty already and will be using it plenty more in the future. A quick question before I duck out...does anyone know of any places in NYC where you can walk in and buy leather and leatehrworking supplies/tools (without getting ripped off) or am I limited to the internet to buy this stuff? Thanks and look forward to being a part of the leatherworking community.
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