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Posts posted by KWosnig

  1. The blade material works satisfactorily for me. I just run a cheap diamond sharpener over it and drive on. It stays sharp for quite awhile.

    I have another blade I am going to turn into a couple straight blades and  recycle old junk rather than throwing it away.

    I like the methods in Al Stohlmans books. Not spending a lot of money feels right to me. Also I am more of a hobbyist than full time worker.

    Good luck with blade. I think the saws are a bit thinner than most blades. 1/8" maybe I don't recall the thickness, Not out in shop right now.

  2. Hi Mitchel,

    I suggest either joining a Boy/Girl scout troop or going to a Tandy leather store and finding out if they have classes. Making armor or other large projects is a fairly intense activity.

    Go online to Tandy Leather Factory, Springfield Leather and others.

    Tandy Store in Shoreline(Seattle) has classes once a week, get hold of them.

    Update your profile to show where you live, so anyone who lives nearby may be able to assist with answers.

    Good luck!

  3. Thanks, I haven't finished sharpening process yet. I wanted to avoid cutting myself while braiding handles, after I finish the head knife handle(about 1/2 way now)I will wrap handles in plastic wrap and tape over that, then proceed with sharpening. I am using a vixen to cut the chamfers, then a three stone process and final stropping, then use it.

    I started with some simple handles and then decided I needed better ones. The screws make changing it simpler. I went with a full tang, I thought about just driving a tang into a file handle or something, but I am partial to full tangs.

    I have a couple of Japanese bayonets from 60-70 years ago and they were the examples I had in mind.

    I am originally from Pueblo. Been in NW since 1972.

  4. Difference between a head knife and a round knife is this. A head knife is beveled and sharpened on one side only, flat edge on opposite side for giving square cuts. Round knife is beveled and sharpened on both sides, giving a V cut.

    Other than that, maintaining the edge is the only requirement, also these knives are meant to be pushed away from you, not pulled towards you or have the blade pointed into your body.

  5. Haven't been on for awhile and so I decided to make a couple after reading this.

    I had a damaged ten inch table saw blade, round and I made a pattern from info in Stohlmans leathercraft tools.

    I just finished cutting the blanks for a head knife and a round knife. Attached a photo of them.

    After I finish them, I will make handles out of oak and most likely rivet them on.

    I did attempt to flex these pieces, I couldn't get any flex. I did not measure thickness, but I estimate a little over a sixteenth.

    Tomorrow I will grind smooth and prep for handles. After handles are on, then I will set bevels and sharpen.



  6. Hi all, recently retired and just doing this as one of my hobbies. Hoping to begin tooling some stuff. First I need to practice, practice and more of that.

    Just finished a rabbit coat and moccasins for an infant. My girlfriend and I like doing complementary projects at same time, in between movies, dinners, and usual life stuff.

    Moccasins took quite awhile relative to the coat. Hand lacing the edges was a pain until I figured out to use tooth picks to keep holes and edging aligned. Used same string as coat for hood draw and laces on Moccasins. It is for a baby girl. Next project will be deer skin dress for the same baby.

    Hope everyones holidays were good.

    Sincerely, Ken

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