I appreciate your opinion and candor.
As for drop-shipping, I'm afraid you're mistaken. As a business, I can purchase items in bulk or wholesale, or at auction at the various events around the country, and keep them in stock and available at equivalent or slightly discounted prices to retail. I think that I can do a better job with shipping items than many of the larger retailers, who seem to have set their eyes on large margins rather than satisfied customers.
As for discounts: If you have already purchased the various "gold club" or "wholesale" or other packages offered by some retailers, then I probably can't beat their rates. My target audience is folks like yourself when you are trying to find hard-to-find items, but at the same time, you probably aren't purchasing loads of Tandy tools at this point in your career. My goal is to provide a place where new leathercrafters can come and purchase the tools they want from manufacturers they know, and at the same time, at the same shop, see alternative and potentially better options. Take for example someone purchasing a Tandy English Point 1 1/2" strap cutter. C.S. Osbourne carries a similar tool, at the same price, but their tool is made much better. I want new folks to the craft to be able to see them side by side, and compare them quickly and easily, without having to have spent years learning to know the ins and outs of manufacturers.
As for a warranty, I don't know a single small business out there who would sell a defective product and tell a paying customer to sod off. As a craftsman, and as a business owner, I can't imagine acting like the corporate jerk and not offer to take the product back with a refund, no questions asked. Well, I'll probably ask a question or two, so that when I call the manufacturer the next morning I know exactly what to complain about.
And hell or high water, I'm going to carry Ritza25 "tiger thread" and some proper sewing clams that don't cost more than my workbench.