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Needle Crook

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    Lake Elsinore, Ca

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  1. Hi Bruce, No I'm not going to the show but I could always ship it to you?
  2. You would probably want something like a Cobra splitter for that, something machanical, where the rollers pull the leather through. These are mainly for belts, reins, etc How this works is you manually pull the leather through the splitter and the top and bottom rollers help guide it through. The 10" width is mainly to get a longer life out of the blade by cutting from different parts at a time. 3" width is probably the max you can pull through, all I ever did is pull 1 1/2" belts. There are more experienced people on here who may have better input them me though. Thanks, Jed
  3. Thanks Art, and thank for the advise as well. I'm glad to know there are Reasonable options available. No comment on the snake venom,
  4. I just called leather machine co, they charge $75 for the blade exchange and $225 for a new blade. I didn't ask but I belive shipping is not included. Art, how does your service work? I have a cobra. I don't need it sharpened yet, I just want to be ready for when I do need it sharpened! Thanks, Jed
  5. I'm selling a 10" chase pattern splitter, top and bottom rollers. I bought it from Bruce Johnson last July. Everything is still in perfect working order and the blade is very sharp. I am selling because I just bought a Cobra class 14 and don't need it anymore. Located in Lake Elsinore, Ca Asking $400
  6. An "ish" as a technical term for + or - 1/64". I though everyone knew that?
  7. Hey guys, I've been looking for eyelets with about a 3/16" diameter hole, and around 5/16" outside diameter. It needs to go through 1/8-3/16" thigh leather, two layers of 5-6 ounce. And I would prefer something that I can get a die for to out in a press. Also probably something with a washer as it needs to look clean from the front and back. The closest thing I have seen was off one of the china sites, but they had a hand setter, and they only came in nickle or brass, preferably I want it to be copper, though I have little faith in that and would like black ones and nickle ones. I feel like shoe lace holes from boots would be perfect, I don't know if I just havnt searched enough or if they just don't make them long enough for the thicker leather. Let me know if anyone has any input. Thanks, Jed
  8. What about chromexcel from maverick leather? They're right in that price range and fantastic service.
  9. Chicagoscrews.com Good selection and great quality. Small and large quantities.
  10. Just get some pattern paper and make some templates. You can make it exactly how you want!
  11. I've ordered from them twice. The first time it took 2 weeks for processing. The next, and probably last time it took 4 weeks to get an email, I was expecting it to be a shipping notice. It was just the processing notice. I called and said that one item was out of stock, which it said was in stock. Anyways I think it was a total of 5-6 weeks to get it. Plus there shipping is pretty steep. $32.00. And nothing but, a couple punches, some hardware and a few leather straps.
  12. Where are you located?
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