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Everything posted by Razmot

  1. Looks real good, he red stitching makes it pop....would of liked more pics. Thanks for showing.
  2. I'll try the shelf paper also, but hide it from the girlfriend as to not give her any ideas of resurfacing her shelfs..lol
  3. Thanks guys, I just happen to have a load of packing tape from a previous venture......
  4. what tricks do you have so your leather does not deform when you are tooling a piece?
  5. Very nice, they must of been happy with the results.....great work.
  6. Portholes are really imaginative and like the way you strapped down the back of other chair very nice........
  7. Love those chairs, I have a couple of chair put away for projects like these.....inspirational thanks for showing. would have like to have seen more pics of the 2 other chairs.
  8. Very nice, I like the way you laced it and the decorative stitching is cool.
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