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Everything posted by Schultzt

  1. Just sent you an email. Let me know what else you need
  2. Just sent you a message. I will email you the templates I have.
  3. @firelarry28... I would imagine that all of the shields shown on the first post of this thread measure to be 6.25 inches or so. All helmets styles that have this visual appearance should be close to that. If someone has an after market parade shield holder or something like that it may be a bit taller. ( I made 10 for our honor guard that were a hair taller.) That being said you can compensate for a lot if you notch the top where the holder meets the shield. It will allow for thickness variances, bent holders, and height differences. I never punch screw holes unless I have the helmet in hand. I have had too much trouble with it even with a dept helmet in my shop. If it's crucial to the design I will figure it out but I try to avoid it. In my opinion its easy enough to do with a drill once you receive the shield.
  4. If you guys are still around I wouldn't mind having a template for the radio holster. I've got a few shield templates I could pass along. I had two dies made up that I can use on a press to cut mine out and thats a life saver when trying to stitch two pieces together. Then a third die made to cut out the top and bottom rockers. Makes things pretty quick.
  5. Alright, I will try to make this as simple as possible. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to do a white painted piece with gold painted letters. I want the letters to be outlined in black. I tried to black antique a test piece but then I have to but on 3x as many coats of white paint. Also, I find that colors under the gold change the way the gold looks. I think I can get it to look nice but I was wondering if their is a quicker way to get a black border around my letters than hand painting resist, hand painting white, and then hand painting gold. Thanks for the help.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I will let you know how it turns out.
  7. I can email you two of them if you need if you shoot me your email.
  8. Those look great. Just started making shields myself (about 2 months ago) I'm also curious about finishes. I have no clue what is going to weather the storm the best.
  9. Slimcut22, I had someone approach me today about making a white shield. I haven't done a white one yet. Would you mind enlightening me on the process? I was gonna try white angelus paint and resoline on top. Any help would be appreciated
  10. Those look sharp! I've been messing around with a few myself and have a few different templates I would be willing to share.
  11. I used the eco flo stain (red and black) on this. Since this one I have started dying and then staining for a smooth finish color along with a deeper penetrating color. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get a nice finished look when paint small stamped letters (1/4 inch) without having it bleed out of the letter outline made by the stamp. Using the cova color paint over top of the stain. I'm sure I will get better with practice.
  12. I would love to know what kind of finishes you have had the most success with as far as holding up to heat and general use.
  13. I'm a firefighter who recently got transferred and decided to make a new leather shield for my helmet. 500 dollars in tools later it was finished and friends and family are finding all kinds of stuff for me to do. I think my first project turned out fine but I know it can be way better. I'm excited about learning the trade and continuing to improve my craftsmanship. Here's my first project. All pointers are welcome. Other than it turning out like cardboard I'm pretty happy with it. Also, I used a water stain and not a dye. We will see how it holds up.
  14. If anyone is still reading this thread I am getting into making helmet shields as well. A couple questions. 1. What thickness leather are you using? The few I've made are like cardboard. I think that my thinner leather 5/6oz is just too thin. 2. What type of finish will last and maintain that "leather feel"? I used a water stain but have heard it doesn't penetrate. However, it gives a good final look. Can I dye with an oil dye and put a water stain over the top or is that whole oil and water thing gonna come into play.... This is my first attempt. Pointers are welcome
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