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Everything posted by 262leatherworks

  1. Do you still have the machine?
  2. What types of machines do you have left? Do they work and how much?
  3. Yes that is them. I believe I have seen them in 3/4". Thanks for the help. I have not heard of them called alligator buckles.
  4. Does anyone know where I can get 3/4" postman slides? I did not see any at Zack white or OTB. Thanks
  5. Looks great man. Keep up the good work.
  6. Schultzt. I am not sure if you are using the eco flo stuff or not. I started to that but switched to Angelus dyes and acrylic paints. I have had great luck with both and would not go back for anything. I do not make shields but I make other firefighter gear. The shield looks great! Good luck The blacked out/smoked out shield is a very popular shield.
  7. Looks great brother. I don't make shields so don't worry. LOL but what finish do you use over your paints? I make mostly truck belts, radio straps, and suspenders. Just seeing what other people use.
  8. look up foxfire paint. It is a product that is glow in the dark paint for firefighters. I am not sure if it will bind to leather well but its worth looking at. I am a firefighter and I have one of their helmet band and it will glow for a long time. Let us know how it turns out. I am very interested.
  9. Good looking shields.
  10. I have been looking into buying an airbrush for applying finish to my products. Is an gravity fed airbrush or a siphon fed better for this? I know a lot of people on here are using them and was just wanting to get ideas on how everyone had theirs set up.
  11. Just as an update....problem solved. I switched to Angelus Paint. They sell a prep that you put on before the paint. I also increased the time I let my dye and paint dry. Between the two everything is going great. I am finishing with a satin acrylic finish. Thanks everyone for the help.
  12. Thanks everyone. I can not get the acrylic to stay on the tandy pro line black but I tried a fiebings alchol based dye and it is holding great. We shall see how it goes
  13. Also I am using Fiebings and Cova Color paints. I have been thinking about changing to Angelus. I have heard it will stretch a lot better then other brands.
  14. Thanks Benlilly. Do you paint acrylic over dye? If so do you use oil based or spirit based?
  15. I have been using eco-flo for black and fiebings for my browns. I have noticed that the black is for sure easier for the acrylic to come off of. So that might be part of it. I have tested some pieces by rubbing some alcohol or mineral spirts over where I am painting to help the adhesion. I haven't been conditioning the leather prior to dyeing. Would that help? Thank you for the help
  16. I am making glove holders for firefighter gloves. I am using 8oz veg tan leather. I then stamping then dyeing with spirit or water based dye. Buffing, Buffing and Buffing. Then I am applying my acrylic paint that has been thinned with water in thin layers. Letting that dry and then finish with Satin Sheen. The problem is with in a few days the acrylic Is coming off. What am I doing wrong?
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