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Posts posted by istaunton

  1. Nice stuff, Ian. I like your airbrush job on the passport wallet. I agree with Matt, I like your logo.

    Looks good; I like your logo too.

    Thanks Guys appreciate the comments.

    Having seen a lot of your stuff Monica that means a lot. Your quality is top notch

  2. Hi Guys

    Been hanging around here for a while now and only posted a few times. I plan on being a lot more active and trying to give back. So far this forum has been amazing help on many fronts. Feel free to comment on any of my work as I will always be looking to improve. Also any other Irish out there I'd love to hear from as well

    Look forward to learning and sharing.



  3. Hey all

    I'm fairly new to leather working but the last 2 months I have really enjoyed getting into it. But can anyone tell me how to get a pigskin liner look so good between 2 pieces of leather. So far anytime i have tried it looks a bit ragged or like I was dragging the blade when trimming the excess.

    Ian Atkinson's videos have been a massive help to me so far. But how does he get those edges looking so good


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